Hi there,
I’m facing some difficulties while using the ZHA integration and I’m wondering if anyone has any ideas or recommendations that could provide me. Thanks in advance!!
I have a conbee2 controller and more than 3 dozen zigbee devices around the house (probably about 10 router devices).
Previously I had the deConz integration configured, all zigbee devices configured thru the deconz integration and despite the outdated network visualization on phoscon , it worked well, the network had many “hops” and all devices were connected.
Recently I decided to remove the deConz integration and use the new ZHA integration. From what I read online, it was a great capability that HA now had.
Discovery and pairing it great, but it came with some problems and “challenges”
#1 - Integration fails after reboot >> (Solved - update bellow/here)
Every time I restart HA, the integration fails, and I haven’t found a common way to get it back to work. Sometimes the reconfiguration works at the first attend, sometimes it takes multiple tries.
#2 - Desperately slow
Lights, sensors and automations take ages to react. The automations sometime take 5-10 seconds from being triggered (by a sensor or a button press) to the lights to get the command.
Motion sensors activating lights around the house are useless now as they get ON when I’m not there anymore
#3 - Useless repeaters and routers
The repeaters don’t extend the zigbee mesh, and all devices are connected to the conbee main controller. I tried pairing the devices using those repeaters to scan for new devices (using the option available on those repeaters Device info page, they get discovered and paired, but in the end they connect directly to the controller.
Despite having multiple repeaters spread along the house, most of them in clear sight from each other and not more than half dozen meters apart, this results on many devices being offline as they’re 2 floors up from the controller or in some room in the opposite side of the house.
Any ideas? Any recommendations?
Thanks in advance
Best regards