Problems with Alexa Flash Briefings and virgin media

Hi there
I have an Amazon Echo, I have managed to control devices in our home using the Emulated Hue function .
Now I am trying to get flash briefing to work, and have been for several days.
I have tried the whoishome tutorial
added and adjusted the following to my yaml:

       - title: Who's at home?
         text: >
           {%- if is_state('device_tracker.###', 'home') and
                  is_state('device_tracker.###', 'home') -%}
             You are both home, you silly
           {%- else -%}
             Anne Lee is at {{ states("device_tracker.###") }}
             and Gina is at {{ states("device_tracker.###") }}
           {% endif %}

setup the amazon skill developer according to the tutorial.

with the endpoint as

regardless to what I tried it kept saying there was an error with the requested skill.
I looked on the app and it says it couldnt find it.

I am currently running the latest AIO version of Home Assistant on a raspberry Pi.
My ISP is Virgin media.
When setting up lets encrypt on my router I can forward port 443 but not redirect it to 8123 as stated in the tutorials I have followed.
I have tested this buy navigating to
I get 405 even when I add my password
But when I use port 8123 it connects perfectly.
The reason I am saying this, I believe this is restricting me from using the amazon skills developer as it wont allow common http or https ports.
I tried the lambda method.
I added the arn key to the amazon developer site.
added the inline code and edited the url with the skills link and my address, port 8123,api path and password.

I received a different error.
The target lambda application returned a failure response.

Although I am happy with what the echo is currently able to do in my home, I am hoping either I have missed something stupid or there is or will soon be a work around.

Are there any other virgin media users with similar issues?

Or have I missed something?

Thanks for reading

To note I did adjust the endpoint address and password I just changed them for security.

What kind of SSL certificate are you using? Let’s Encrypt? If you are this may help.

I am having the same issue as you. My ISP is Virgin Media and I cannot set up AWS Lambda as my SSL is not working for some reason but my Emulated Hue is working perfectly.

On the superhub you cannot do port swapping therefore forward 443 to 443, 80 to 80 & 8123 to 8123 whilst setting up LE. Once configured disable 443 & 80 until cert renewal time.

You will only be able to reach your pi via when using the superhub

I ditched my SH in the end and went modem mode with my own router now I can use any external port :wink:.

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Hi thanks for the reply.

Are you saying I should forward port 443 to port 443 and 80 to 80 and 8123 to 8123 when I am setting up letsencrypt? And then after disable 443 and 80 and keep 8123 ?

You ditched superhub? What router did you go for that works well with Virgin Media?


Yes I am. As the LE Certs only last 3 months you will need to enable 80 & 443 again to renew them.

I bought a TP-LINK Archer C2 - AC 750. Its ok for the price and it does what I need for now.

Right ok thanks for that.

Can I ask you I have already installed letsencrypt and done the setup, do I have to remove LE and reinstall it again according to the way you showed on how to forward the ports?

No, You only need to enable the ports again when the 3 month licence expires which mine is just about to do.

With port 8123 open you should be able to get remote https access - is that the case ?

I cant access it when I try even from my mobile data it doesnt work.

Ok update: I can access it now with Thanks.

Have you set up your Echo with SSL?

Yes I have using emulated hue - I only control remote RF switches with it ATM. My Flash Briefings are done only via the Alexa app and not via HA.

oh right ok. well I am trying to sort my flash briefings via HA lets hope it works .

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Thanks for the replies, sorry for the delay , been away with folks.
You have confirmed my suspicions regarding the superhub. So basically until I get a different router/modem I will not be able to configure the echo for Flash Briefing or Customising intents.

A little frustrating, but good to know so I dont go crazy making further futile attempts at getting it to work.
Emulated Hue works a treat, so Ill have to be happy with that for the time being.

Thanks again.

Just a quick question with your netgear router, is it a modem or just a wireless router? If it’s a wireless router then did you bridge it with your superhub?

Do you get any speed drops ? Or is the speed the same when you use the superhub as a standalone ?

The TP Link AC750 is a cable router connected to the superhub configured for modem mode

I get normal speeds via 5G wifi but not so much on 2.4G which I use for non important connections.

Perfect Thanks alot !

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So I got the TP Link AC750 and get the same speeds as you mentioned but surprisingly I do not see the 5G network and even though I have connected my devices mostly to 5G they tend to disconnect as the 5G network disappears. Do you face similar issues? how have you set your router up?

Do you have an android phone or tablet that does 5G ? If so install Wifi Analyzer from the play store and scan your local area for 2.4 & 5G networks and see if yours is over lapping with your neighbours.

I had an issue recently where my 5G kept disappearing and it was caused by a faulty HDMI switch attached to my TV, As soon as it was powered off and the router restarted the 5G came back.

You also try setting your 5G channel width to 20Mhz - you will get less throughput on 5G but its a good way of stabilising your 5G. I have attached a pic of my 5G settings - note my SSID is hidden.

Is your TV connected to your router ?

I wonder how the Virgin router is able to transmit 5G constantly because in my apartment there are many Virgin users?

I am thinking of returning it back as I do not want to be loosing out on the speed.

No the TV is above the router - 5G was working great until I added a HDMI switch to the TV as I only have 2 HDMI ports on the TV.

The SuperHub is probably set to auto so it can use a free channel. Have you tried setting the AC750 to auto on 5G ?