Problems with configuration-GUI after changing from "!Include xxx.yaml" to "package !Include_dir_named <folder>"

My hassio runs on a Pi4 and the installation has been carried out as described here.
At first I had everything in configuration.yaml.
That quickly became confusing. With script.yaml and automation.yaml as well as !include it became clearer.
With increasing complexity, however, it is also difficult to keep track of it with include.
To move the *.yaml files into a subfolder, I removed whole !Include lines and replaced them with
package include_dir_named includes in my configuration.yaml .
I then moved the *.yaml files to the hassconfigroot/includes subfolder.
The scripts, automation, scenes,… continue to work as expected.
But if I want to edit the scene or scripts via the GUI, a POPUP appears with the message
Only scenes in scenes.yaml can be edited.
If I create a new scene in the GUI for testing, then I can save it. It is then no longer visible in the scene overview. A new scenes.yaml is now available in the hassconfigroot with the test-scene. This is also the case with automation and scripts.
The curious thing is editing the scene is not possible but with the run button I can start the scene.

What am I doing wrong? Is it a bug?

Thanks in advance.


The same applies to automations. Only automations in automations.yaml can be edited through GUI.

There is an open FR regarding that-