Problems with function and template node since upgrade to v3.0.x

Hi guys,

As of upgrade to v3.0.0 I can’t edit new function and/or template nodes.
I was waiting for an update to v3.0.1 and the problem remains (only difference is, that now I can see edit field in template node), I still cannot edit the template.

Is that still a bug, or am I missing something?


There is a newer version 13.2, that has an update to the nodered core.

yeah, I have that one…


Sorry I misread that as 13.1. I know this isn’t the answer you were looking for… Can you create a new function node deploy it and see the text? Have you tried to export the node, the function should be in the json. Maybe a copy/paste or import of the node will restore it.

Created new one, same problem. If I copy paste exiting one, it copies it, but cannot be edited (neither one, existing and copied one) :frowning:

Same issue for me, since 3.0

If it is of any help:

Node-RED add-on in HA has recently updated from 2.X to 3.X

The base code editor used has been switched to ‘monaco’ (from something else)

The ‘monaco’ editor was actually added at 2.whatever, and was optional, but is now the default. Therefore most of us have recently had a surprise when editing function nodes to find nice new fancy features (and more rigorous error checking ho hum).

A few intrepid soles had switched optionally in the past, and discovered that the monaco editor does not like naughty nodes that ‘pollute’ and break the editor. The problem causes the editor to become ‘read only’, apparently.


for the problem, and

for the solution. Something along the lines of looking for a pallet node that is ‘breaking the rules’ and upsetting the monaco editor.


Thanks you, i have update the node node-red-contrib-deconz and it’s work after the reboot of nodered !

Geoff, you are saviour!


How did you solved the issue? I’m in the same situation as you, I’m unable to edit the function nodes

“Manage pallete” and update all nodes.

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You are a genius, thanks mate