What install method did you use?
The path you gave suggests it wasn’t HAOS, and the lack of add-ons suggests it (thankfully) wasn’t Supervised.
What install method did you use?
The path you gave suggests it wasn’t HAOS, and the lack of add-ons suggests it (thankfully) wasn’t Supervised.
Oh yes, if you want those you have to use HAOS.
Don’t use Supervised.
I have looked at this and not fully sure how to follow it. Has I have Portainer to use onto of docker.
Is it possible to have two containers to hold Home assitant or is it better to start again?
is it possibel to get HAOS in another container in portainer?
This one Im running I’m unable to do anything really I cannot restore my backups, use add on! Only good thing is its running node-red
This is a hard question for me to answer as someone helped me on the setup and I had no clue on how to do it even with looking at the instructions!
But I also feel the setup is wrong on the home A ssistant part.
This is the version I installed no clue which it is though!
So if I cannot use add-on how do you get add on onto this setup or do anything?
Also which out of the two the 1x Home Yellow Kit with power supply
Raspberry Pi computer Module 4 - 8Gb Ram 32GB emmc, 24/5.oGHz wi-fi fi Bluetooth
5.0 cm4108032
with adding a ssd
or a Raspberry Pi 5 with 8gb ram and also add a ssd
Im also trying to get a MQTT working why I’m trying different methods!
So far I think the Yellow is starting to behave its self and stopped dropping out!
Which as been a bonus this week!
What about this setup Installing Home Assistant OS using Proxmox 8
Woud this be a full HAOS setup to attempt?
On a Ikoolcore R2
You mention to not use Supervised, why is this? Is it not the full HAOS?
And is it possibe to get HAOS onto a Proxmox setup as well as a Docker setup?
I also just read this Supported installation methods
None of that relates to HA, but I’m guessing you’ve got a Container install.
You don’t “get” add-ons, but they’re just software. In nearly every case you can run the same software in Docker anyway.
That said, I’m pretty sure that’s a discussion we’ve had many times over on Discord.
Because it is the most complex method and requires the most skills to keep running. The odds of it all going wrong and breaking on you are slightly better than 100%.
Proxmox allows you to run virtual machines. One of those VMs can run HAOS, or Debian + Docker, or … anything you want.
Portainer is a UI for managing containers, not virtual machines.
You really should start fresh, with HAOS flashed to that Pi.
Thank you for this but I seem to have got a great setup now of Home Assistant on Proxmox with a Ikoolcore R2 with Add-ons
But now I need to figure ZHA and how to get MQTT to work
Some one mentioned I need to do it in Proxmox to setup ZHA with a Ikoolcore info on this HERE! , but woudl need further help on this as I tend to miss things what is spoken about in the Discord channel I do not know what you have spoken about many times as its all new to me!
Hopefully you don’t mean ZHA and Zigbee2 MQTT, because that would require two coordinators.
Otherwise each of those things should be a separate topic.
And when you start that topic do explain what “it” you mean.
I have two Sonoff could I do it that way? One I already use for ZHA but the other is still in its box!
Sorry about my bad grammer I have edited it and put further details for you!
Do you NEED to?
Zigbee is a mesh network designed to blanket an area with low powered devices. Powered devices route for one another. You should only need two coordinators in extreme deployments
You should really only run multiple Zigbee networks if you really have the need to do so. It’s a complicated setup and one that requires isolating the coordinators away from each other and other EMI interference.
Yes I have eonly one Sonoff setup, I was just refering to it as I cannot get ZHA and MQTT to both work on this Sonoff! Not tried it yet since coming over to this new setup yet but will be trying this week to see if I still have issues doing both ZHA and MQTT from 1 Sonoff Dongle
ZHA doesn’t have anything to do with MQTT. Zigbee2MQTT (a separate project) uses MQTT for data transfer to HA. You should have no issues at all running MQTT and ZHA together in the same HA instance.
Are you wanting to switch over to Zigbee2MQTT?
No I’m wanting to get it to work! It would not work for me, so I have been busy trying to figure why and the issues with it, but also transfer over from using a Yellow to the Ikoolcore to hopfuly resolve why teh sonoff would not connect or start to work.
But thank you would be great to find out how too, and fix the issues I’m having and hopfuly get them to both work in HA.
Do I need a sseperate Dongle to get both into HA?
Thats a lot to try to fix at the same time
@code-in-progress is correct MQTT and ZHA have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with one another. Therefore, this can only possibly mean you want to Run ZHA and Zigbee2MQTT on the same machine at the same time.
Plain and simple - You can’t do it without two sticks. I’ll skip the technical - that’s just the way it works, so then I ask WHY do you want/need to run two?
In post 9 earlier Problems with HA on a Pi5 - #9 by Thediabeticway you state that you have left the Pi and are now on a device (doesn’t matter type) running Proxmox with HAOS in a virtual machine.
Great all bets are off - we start from scratch with a COMPLETELY different set of steps. after you do all the things in the guide you linked you THEN have to map the USB port through to the VM. I didnt check but it’s probably not in that guide as it would be unique to someone using a USB stick.
Relates to using a Sonoff stick with Z2M on ProxMox - the first half of the setup (passthrough of the stick) should be applicable whether you use ZHA or Z2M.
Once you get ONE stick working with HA - then lets determine if you even need the second?
If its been said yes my lack of understanding does not help me until I understand it which I’m doing here now! I’m not asking to bug you I’m asking so I understand it .
we have all not been using this setup!
And thank you
you finely said I need two different Dongles
so now.
So which two Dongles do I use or need on my setup on a Ikoolcore - Proxmox - with Home Assistant
And I’m taking about a Ikoolcore now and not a Pi5 so again I’m off topic!
I luv this community
Thank you for all that information!
This is a hard one to answer really it just seems to come up on setups alot which I’m trying to follow and its using MQTT and some things medicaly is again done in using Node-red and within that setup I need a MQTT setup.
This is an example why Id like MQTT: Send And Receive SMS In Your Node RED Flows With Ring Central
So I thought it be best I have both in my setups to be able to do the things medicaly I will be needing to do as you will be well aware to run things takes power and the less power on my body to keep alive is power in its self just a way to try to explain to you why Id like to have it in on my setup has I have sensors on me.
And yes it will be great to know if now the MQTT will work with just one Sonoff and me not need a second sonoff
Has I have not had time to try it yet! Or test things out yet! Since me coming over to the Ikoolcore Proxmox.
On looking at this video I see in the video he is saying to avoid E for the P where I was informed to use the E not the P so why all the confusions going on! you would be needing a P version and a E version to do both on the setup. Or again is this wrong as you say the E should do both or I’m I miss understand all of this agin?
I’m also wanting to get voice information from medical items to warn me of them running out I used to get this from a Google API until they took it away so Id like to return it in a HA kind of system to make life easier for us all!
Are you still meaning Zigbee2MQTT there?
If so please say that. MQTT is not Zigbee2MQTT.
Zigbee2MQTT needs a coordinator (“sonoff”). ZHA needs a coordinator too. They can’t share the same one.