Problems with new versions - automation not refreshed


I’m on HA since a while now.
Since the 2 last versions, i have a strange effect.

My configuration is based on a configuration.yaml with an include for automations.yaml

Even with modifications on the automations.yaml, tha automations works but the modifications are not loaded.

By example with that :

  # - alias: "Mouvement escalier absent"
  #   initial_state: 'off'
  #   trigger:
  #     - platform: state
  #       entity_id: sensor.salon_motion
  #       from: '0'
  #       to: '1'
  #   condition:
  #     - condition: state
  #       entity_id: sensor.nutblanc
  #       # entity_id: sensor.nutorange
  #       state: 'not_home'
  #     - condition: state
  #       entity_id: input_boolean.trackme_arno
  #       state: 'on'
  #   action:
  #     - service: notify.teleha
  #       data:
  #        title: detection intrus
  #        message: 'Intrusion dans la maison'

The automation do the job anyway :disappointed_relieved:

Am i the only one who reproduce that ?
my installation is based on docker over a Ubuntu ESX’s VM.

I had never seen that before the 0.82 version …

Same problem for me:

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I’m not alone Yeah !!! :slight_smile: