Professional/Commercial Use?

Those don’t sound out of the realm of possibility, but using them in real life doesn’t seem practical. TVs are really bad at being dashboards unless they’re dedicated to being just a dashboard. They’re simply too slow.

  • Activate Voice Command
  • Voice Command Processed (this has a >0% failure rate, doesn’t work every time, nothing more frustrating than waiting & twiddling your thumbs only for it to hear the wrong thing, and either doing nothing or doing something totally unintended)
  • If Off, Command sent to Power TV on
  • If on different input, input command sent to TV
  • HDCP Handshake Happens
  • Info is finally displayed

I’d estimate that process is at minimum 15 seconds to the point where your information you wanted is actually on the screen, could be longer too.

Whereas could be displayed within seconds on a smartwatch, phone, tablet, or dedicated touch panel with no voice interaction.

If I can use a nearby device and do it faster and with no chance of miscommunication or failure, what benefit is gained from doing it over voice?

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When I was studying at the university, my friends asked me to set up a computer for a nominal fee. Now acquaintances ask me to configure HA, but it is confusing that it needs to be constantly updated. Therefore, I wrote about measures that will facilitate support. Perhaps this is not really a production, it is just HA for friends.

It is not compulsory to update.


Hi, we sell smarthome products. And we have this idea on starting a home automation company which will offfer a pre- packaged system, which includes smart home hardware and uses pre-configured home assistant as the main software to control the home automation. Is this allowed, are we not violating any legal issues? Based on our understanding, home assistant license can be used freely even for commercial purpose as with our example. Hope you can confirm or give clarification. Thank you very much.

You really need to see a lawyer.

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Hey, do you mind sharing these?

There is no post by @scotty in the thread. Who are you replying to?

Hello, this is exactly what I was looking for a long time ago, hey friend, I am right now just like you were 4 years ago, I see an immense possibility of starting a business with this, can you please give me some advice? If everything went well with you then it may be that you already have 4 years of experience with your business.

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In commercial use, there are a lot of requests to make a multi-room system out of HA, and unfortunately HA does not have many developments here yet

What do you mean multi room system. Audio?

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Yes, audio and video. For example, have dongle like Chromecast, and take source from HDMI in one room from tv box, and cast to another. And also put home assistant events at video. For example, door open. Also very interesting for hotels to have HA on set top box. And also cast music in many rooms.

LMS is the best multiroom setup IMHO.

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LMS is very outdated in design and plug-ins. It is necessary that Home Assistant create a similar open source project, approximately the same as EspHome or Frigate, usign HA design.

Try the material skin.

And if you think you can do a better job of synchronised multi room audio you’ll be throwing out around 15 years of open source development.

LMS is awesome. I am afraid there is nothing remotely close in the free open source world. Any audio nuts should check out John Darko review

I think Home Assistant can create child open source project to close this area.

Go for it.


In hotels you’ll be competing against LG for videos distribution.

Home assistant shines in residential, I just don’t see it at the heart of multi room setup.

In hotels it is very lacking. Moreover, the user interface is more understandable than some systems integrated with a TV. The only negative is that HA does not yet have an interface that would work as a remote control on Android TV

Google Photos

Really? Is it something like this your are after?

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