Project EV car charger


I am trying to get this integration working.

Machine Type:

Firmware Version Num:
EVA-07S-SE-V6.2.12-20240816-UK (latest)

I have been trying to follow the instructions at Table of Contents — home-assistant-ocpp documentation

Host address and port

Do I use these settings or do i put the actual static IP of the charger?

  • The default host address ‘’ will listen to all interfaces on your home assistant server.
  • The default port number is 9000 but can be changed for your needs.

If i put the IP it doesn’t find anything, if i leave as above the integration as follows but all entities unavailable

Configure your Charger

  • Configure your charger to use the OCPP websocket of your Central System (e.g. ws://homeassistant.local:9000). This is charger specific, so consult your manual.

Unsure what to use here?




Any help I would appreciate


Solved, changed web socket to my HA IP address :9000