Project: RFLink to MQTT using ESP8266 and arduino IDE

I picked up some used sensors, and would like to play around with them. I also have a few spare transmitter and reciever devices, so i guess i can use those.

What kind of hardware is best, for a DIY RFLink “on cheap” :-)?

How to build a RFLink 433MHz radio smarthome gateway for €10.50. Test with Domoticz • DIY Projects

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Yep, i just found it too :slight_smile: Thanks!

I’ve also found this;

So both things are now ordered :smiley:

Hi, I use my rflink with MQTT gateway on ESP since 1 year without any problems:

Very good projet, just work!
I have Two rflink one 433,92 Mhz and an other for Somfy RTS 433,42 Mhz.

Hello Seb821 could you please publish an mqtt switch or cover entry from your configuration.yaml i have the issue that the state is not changed when i send to the rflink.

This is my current entry :

  • platform: mqtt
    name: “Rolluik Woonkamer”
    state_topic: “rflink/BrelMotor-7f320b”
    command_topic: “rflink/cmd”
    payload_open: “10;BrelMotor;7f320b;e1;UP;”
    payload_close: “10;BrelMotor;7f320b;e1;DOWN;”
    state_open: “UP”
    state_closed: “DOWN”
    optimistic: false
    qos: 0
    retain: false

This is how I define my switches with seb821/espRFLinkMQTT

Hi There

Trying to get my HA to send using espRFLinkMQTT

Do you have an example of you switch setup?

I can see HA is receiving the MQTT messages using MQTTLens and subscribed to my mqtt server but I cannot get HA to send anything back

Thanks in advance

  - platform: template
        value_template: "{{ is_state('binary_sensor.sensorfanboven', 'on') }}"
          - service: mqtt.publish
              payload: '10;newkaku;03a0b800;4;on;'
              topic: rflink/cmd
          - service: mqtt.publish
              payload: '{"SWITCH":"4","CMD":"ON"}' 
              topic: 'rflink/NewKaku-03a0b800'
          - service: mqtt.publish
              payload: '10;newkaku;03a0b800;4;off;'
              topic: rflink/cmd
          - service: mqtt.publish
              payload: '{"SWITCH":"4","CMD":"OFF"}' 
              topic: 'rflink/NewKaku-03a0b800'
        unique_id: 286e7551-0e78-4527-b8dd-34085ddcd740

Thanks for the reply but just cannot get it to send back to espRFLinkMQTT:

This is in espRFLinkMQTT when using the physical thermostat so RFLink is seeing it and espRFLinkMQTT is seeing it

Switching Off:
Raw Data: 20;F0;X2D;ID=000c74e;SWITCH=00;CMD=ON;RC=00fe;S=01;EXT=Tybox;BAT=OK;
MQTT Topic: rflink/X2D-000c74e

Switching On:
Raw Data: 20;EF;X2D;ID=000c74e;SWITCH=00;CMD=ON;RC=1cfe;S=0c;EXT=Tybox;BAT=OK;
MQTT Topic: rflink/X2D-000c74e

I then get the following in HA when I listen to rflink/#

Message 3 received on rflink/X2D-000c74e at 19:01:

Message 2 received on rflink/X2D-000c74e at 19:01:

So, HA is seeing the MQTT coming into it

The only bits that change when using the physical thermostat is the part after 20; and is totally random and then “RC”:00cfe to “RC”:1cfe and back again which is how I figured which is the on/off above

This is my switch

  - platform: template
        friendly_name : espRFLinkMQTT Switch1
        value_template: "{{ is_state('sensor.mqttswitch1', 'on') }}"
          - service: mqtt.publish
              payload: '20;32;X2D;ID=000c74e;SWITCH=00;CMD=ON;RC=1cfe;S=0c;EXT=Tybox;BAT=OK;'
              topic: rflink/cmd
          - service: mqtt.publish
              payload: '{"SWITCH":"00","CMD":"ON","SWITCH00":"ON","RC":1cfe,"S":0c,"EXT":Tybox,"BAT":"OK"}'
              topic: 'rflink/X2D-000c74e'
          - service: mqtt.publish
              payload: '20;32;X2D;ID=000c74e;SWITCH=00;CMD=ON;RC=00fe;S=0c;EXT=Tybox;BAT=OK;'
              topic: rflink/cmd
          - service: mqtt.publish
              payload: '{"SWITCH":"00","CMD":"ON","SWITCH00":"ON","RC":00fe,"S":01,"EXT":Tybox,"BAT":"OK"}'
              topic: 'rflink/X2D-000c74e'
        unique_id: 286e7551-0e78-4527-b8dd-34085ddcd740

I can see the message being sent in HA but does not seem to get to espRFLinkMQTT as I get nothing on the Home or Live Data pages

I am sure its to do with the payload but cannot figure it out

Many thanks

You have to replace the 20;32; with 10;

Changed and nothing appears in esoRFLinkMQTT but it does show the change in my MQTT listen :frowning:

Seems espRFLinkMQTT is just not listening

to my MQTT commands