Provide a means to check automations, scripts & helper groups for invalid entity_id's

When entiries are renamed, as in an integration re-install where entity_id’s were edited, automations/scripts/helpers configured and now entity_id’s have reverted to integration defaults, or just plain general administrator bad practice, it would be a nice feature to be able to check automations/scripts/helpers for 'error describing trigger` or invalid entitiy_id’s references and have it list the automations/scripts/helper groups and the invalid references.

With my 2,156 entities, 136 automations and 39 scripts, when a major change is invoked, my memory is starting to fail me! Lovelace is fairly easy to fix as it’s visually obvious where the errors have crept in!

I think Spook can do some of that.

You’ve also got the Watchman

+1 for Spook
It actually checks the config, not only the YAML configuration