PS5 integration

Any news here?

Hey guys, I created an add-on to integrate your PS5 with Home assistant using MQTT. You can find and install it through this repository!


Hello, I’m trying to use your add on I have got to the step where I have to log in to my psn account by playactor login. I log in to my account and I have the URL from the page where it says “redirect” but the command ends and I won’t be able to create the credentials.json file. please help asap.


Hi Yusuf,

I’m sorry to hear that. I would suggest taking a look at any issues reported with the playactor library on github.

A few pointers:

  • Make sure your Playstation 5 is on
  • Make sure that the computer you are running the playactor login command on is on the same network as your Playstation 5.
  • You can get additional information from the command by using playactor login --debug to get some information on what might be going wrong.


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I think I have the same issue as this person

Also, I tried using playactor login --no-open-URLs instead of just playactor login and I was able to enter the URL but I got this error code “HTTPError: Response code 400 (Bad Request)”

This error was very similar to this person as well

Both of these issues are still open.

Please reply, Thanks.

Hi Yusuf,

Since I did not create the playactor library I cannot provide support for it.

My only remaining advice would be to follow the login steps described by @Mattias_Persson:

If that doesn’t resolve the issue for you I suggest either opening an issue with playactor. Or reacting to one of the open issues.


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I got to another step :sweat_smile: error 403, I’m following #21 Thanks.

Alright, I have it working to a point. I have seen that the broken credentials only can wake the ps5 but this is okay for now since I just want to test it. I have the integration running in home assistant and I have pasted the credential file into where it says “ps5_credentials” I have also pasted the IP of my ps5 under “host” and also the port underneath “port”, which I found by using “playactor browse” What should I do now, I want to test the ps5 mqtt add on.

I can confirm that using playactor I CAN wake AND sleep the ps5 now how do I wake the ps5 with home assistant using ps5 mqtt.

Please Reply


You need to setup MQTT in home assistant if you haven’t done so already. :slight_smile:

The MQTT section of the configuration refers to MQTT settings and not to Playstation settings.
I understand the confusion if you’re not familiar with MQTT. :wink:

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ahh, thanks

@FunkeyFlo Thanks for helping me all the way, this add-on works great and if you know what you are doing (unlike me), it’s pretty easy to set up. This will be great for my automations and I won’t have to stick some type of switchbot to my PlayStation and make it look ugly. Thanks!

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Thanks! Glad I could at least point you in the right direction!

Also, I just released version 0.4.2 which fixes the issue that once using the power toggle the integration would no longer receive updates from the device!

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Is this right? Seems to be using a hell of a lot of compute cycles


Version >=0.4.3 allows you to change the interval between checking device states.

Hopefully this allows you to find the sweet spot of Performance vs. Availability within your setup.


what would be a good balance for the device check interval

~5000ms seems to be the sweet spot for me on a rpi4 8gb. I suggest playing around with it a bit.

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Thanks @FunkeyFlo for creating this add-on. If I already have the credentials.json file from my Pi, can I just drop this in somewhere in the add-on config?

Since v0.6.0 the add-on stores the credentials in /config/ps5-mqtt/credentials.json. So if you add your current credentials.json to the specified directory everything should work as usual. :grin:

Just tried it and it works great. Thanks!!

Hi @Florentijn, I’ve installed your add-on, no real problem there, it reads the state of the PS5 without issues. Kudo’s on sharing!
Follow up question, is it possible to control the PS5 with this add-on as well? Could I publish an MQTT message that for example would switch ‘OFF’ the PS5 which I could then use in an automation?