PSA: unifi-cam-proxy docker. Bring non-Unifi cameras into Unifi Protect

Is this still working with Protect 3.0.22 or .26? I’m trying to decide if I want to put the effort in to this or not. I’m running Unraid as well, so that would be my host. I have about 7 cameras that I will ultimately slowly migrate to Protect from Blue Iris, but it would be great if I could add a camera or two at a time.

So I have put the effort in today and i’m so close I think. I’m having issues getting an rtsp feed from frigate. I have moved my config over to use Go2rtc but I haven’t managed to connect to the rtsp feed using VLC. anyone got an ideas?

16:47:37.809 WRN > error=“read tcp> i/o timeout”

Yes it does. I am on Unraid as well.

I wish the dev was more actively working on it tho.

Well thats the crucial thing needed LOL. Can you get RTSP on VLC from your camera directly?

Yes I have just managed to get this working, just working on my MQTT server as it needs anonymous connection. just installed EMQX broker

How did you get around the MQTT not supporting authenication?

Have you tried not including the

–mqtt-username “XXXX” --mqtt-password “XXXX”

I didn’t know that was a thing, is this how your’s is working?

I get the following error :frowning:

unifi-cam-proxy: error: unrecognized arguments: -mqtt-username **USERNAME** --mqtt-password **PASSWORD**

Mine does have username and password, just giving a suggesting to try maybe remove those arguements OR leave blank and see if it works?

Quick check in with you guys - does the cam proxy still work with the latest protect? :grin:

It’s working with protect and unifi OS 4.0.X

Where are you getting the docker image? The docker branch of the original project hasn’t been updated in quite some time.
Also, is it still working with the removal of pyunifiprotect? Looks like the author of that library removed it from github.

Still works for me - Protect is working too.
Same docker image. Shows in protect (and HA)

Is this where you retrieved it?! this one?
A bit shocked that works, since the last push is 2 years ago.

Yeah - looks like that.
Info here

Hmm, will have to think about risking a protect update and :crossed_fingers: it doesn’t break my working proxy setup.

Is your protect broken? You don’t have to update?
Just try as is first no?

I’m already using unifi cam proxy, but I’ve not updated my protect in quite some time due to reported incompatibilities with newer releases.

Same Here. Still on 1.x