(Tom Mack)
February 9, 2022, 7:06am
Are you sure? Maybe I’m drowning in PDFs, but I think the one I had in the YAML and the one I linked above are both the same (ID 349513 from the URL link) and are titled 4/2020. In either case, I cleaned up the one in the YAML to remove the extra junk in the URL from the comment.
I didn’t really notice a difference last year. But my house is in a hilly/mountainous area where it is hard to compare to anything nearby and wide area values aren’t usable.
If you have a dew point value calculation, I’m all ears!
February 10, 2022, 1:22am
My mistake, PurpleAir has DewPoint built in. I use the calculation on my indoor sensors, but here you go:
- platform: template
friendly_name: "Bathroom Master Dewpoint"
value_template: >-
{% set h = states('sensor.bathmaster_multisensor_humidity_air') | float(default=0) %}
{% set t = states('sensor.bathmaster_multisensor_temperature_air') | float(default=0) %}
unit_of_measurement: "F"
Here is my mostly complete PA in HA:
- platform: rest
name: 'PurpleAir'
value_template: '{{ value_json.SensorId }}'
scan_interval: 120
#- Mem
#- memfrag
- uptime
- rssi
#- Adc
- current_temp_f
- current_humidity
- current_dewpoint_f
- pressure
- p_0_3_um
- p_0_3_um_b
- p_0_5_um
- p_0_5_um_b
- p_1_0_um
- p_1_0_um_b
- pm1_0_atm
- pm1_0_atm_b
- p_2_5_um
- p_2_5_um_b
- pm2_5_atm
- pm2_5_atm_b
- p_5_0_um
- p_5_0_um_b
- p_10_0_um
- p_10_0_um_b
- pm10_0_atm
- pm10_0_atm_b
- pm2.5_aqi
- pm2.5_aqi_b
- platform: template
# purpleair_memory:
# friendly_name: "PurpleAir Memory"
# value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["Mem"] }}'
# purpleair_adc:
# friendly_name: "PurpleAir ADC"
# value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["Adc"] }}'
friendly_name: "PA Uptime"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["uptime"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "seconds"
# purpleair_memory_fragmentation:
# friendly_name: "PurpleAir Memory Fragmentation"
# value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["memfrag"] }}'
friendly_name: "PA Wifi RSSI"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["rssi"] }}'
device_class: signal_strength
friendly_name: "PA Temperature"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["current_temp_f"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "F"
device_class: temperature
friendly_name: "PA Humidity"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["current_humidity"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "%"
device_class: humidity
friendly_name: "PA Dewpoint"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["current_dewpoint_f"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "F"
device_class: temperature
friendly_name: "PA Pressure"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["pressure"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "mbar"
device_class: pressure
friendly_name: "PA AirQuality A"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["pm2.5_aqi"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "AQI"
friendly_name: "PA AirQuality B"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["pm2.5_aqi_b"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "AQI"
friendly_name: "PA .3um Partical Count A"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_0_3_um"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PurpleAir .3um Partical Count B"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_0_3_um_b"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PA .5um Partical Count A"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_0_5_um"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PA .5um Partical Count B"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_0_5_um_b"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PA 1.0um Partical Count A"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_1_0_um"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PA 1.0um Partical Count B"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_1_0_um_b"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PA 2.5um Partical Count A"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_2_5_um"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PA 2.5um Partical Count B"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_2_5_um_b"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PA 5.0um Partical Count A"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_5_0_um"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PA 5.0um Partical Count B"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_5_0_um_b"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PA 10.0um Partical Count A"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_10_0_um"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PA 10.0um Partical Count B"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["p_10_0_um_b"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "um/dl"
friendly_name: "PA 10.0um Mass A"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["pm10_0_atm"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "ug/m3"
friendly_name: "PA 10.0um Mass B"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["pm10_0_atm_b"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "ug/m3"
friendly_name: "PA 1.0um Mass A"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["pm1_0_atm"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "ug/m3"
friendly_name: "PA 1.0um Mass B"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["pm1_0_atm_b"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "ug/m3"
friendly_name: "PA 2.5um Mass A"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["pm2_5_atm"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "ug/m3"
friendly_name: "PA 2.5um Mass B"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["pm2_5_atm_b"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "ug/m3"
friendly_name: 'PA AQI Description'
unique_id: purpleair_description
value_template: >
{% set aqi = states('sensor.purpleair_aqi_a')|float(default=0) %}
{% if aqi >= 401.0 %}
Very Hazardous
{% elif aqi >= 301.0 %}
{% elif aqi >= 201.0 %}
Very Unhealthy
{% elif aqi >= 151.0 %}
{% elif aqi >= 101.0 %}
Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups
{% elif aqi >= 51.0 %}
{% elif aqi >= 0.0 %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
entity_id: sensor.purpleair
#availability_template: '{{ not is_state("sensor.purpleair", "unavailable") }}'
1 Like
(Tom Mack)
February 10, 2022, 9:04am
Wow, I never realized that the sensor had dew point and pressure.
But I went down a bit of a rabbit hole. I had a hunch that the built-in dew point was based on the raw values without the suggested corrections. I did some math and confirmed that to be the case. I also realized that the simplified formula was way off for the currently dry air I’m experiencing. So, I implemented a more complete formula. I don’t know if this is right, but it seems to produce a reasonable value.
Updates in GitHub.
February 10, 2022, 2:28pm
There has been a lot of additions to the device class selections since I set mine up. None of the air quality related items where there before.
This may give you some ideas:
I would also add all the sensors to your yaml, even if you don’t use them, just to help keep track of them. I’m referring to wifi signal, memory fragmentation, etc…; I have them and just comment out the ones I don’t see a need for.
I have a Weather Station and I find that that, at least for my location, the dewpoint from PurpleAir and my simplified formula work fairly well.
I also like the description of air quality, which is at the bottom of my yaml, this makes Text-To-Speech (TTS) and phone notifications more useful. If lights are on in a room then the speaker will anouce any change in air quality from one band to another. Everything is self hosted, my speakers are just RPi with a USB speaker running KODI. I use MaryTTS for the speech and this setup has been working great for a few years now.
I pulled some of my calculations out of my PurpleAir setup once I got my Tempest Weather Station but you might find some useful calculations here:
March 2, 2022, 2:55am
I’m attempting to locally import multiple PurpleAir’s into HA, but I seem to be unable to figure out why this code is not working. The code works fine if I try to import just the humidity from one sensor, but if I try adding a second one like shown below, it fails to work.
- platform: rest
name: "PurpleAir"
value_template: "91:yb:at:12:42:ef"
- current_humidity
- platform: template
friendly_name: "PurpleAir Indoor Humidity"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["current_humidity"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "%"
- platform: rest
name: "PurpleAir"
value_template: "48:3g:da:88:1c:46"
- current_humidity
- platform: template
friendly_name: "PurpleAir Outdoor Humidity"
value_template: '{{ states.sensor.purpleair.attributes["current_humidity"] }}'
unit_of_measurement: "%"
Does anyone have any ideas of how I can import two PurpleAir’s into HA?
March 2, 2022, 3:58pm
Use the example 3 posts up and just change the name and the IP address to differentiate.
I’m not sure about your value_template and you have reuse the same name a few times.
March 5, 2022, 3:06am
I ultimately ended up using Home Assistant’s NodeRed integration to get both sensors working. I spent many countless hours setting this NodeRed configuration up so I figured I would post it here to save someone the time in the future if they plan to use something like this.
March 5, 2022, 3:10am
Here is a complete list for the outdoor PurpleAir, the indoor PurpleAir (which I recieved today) had slightly different ‘sensors’.
Uncomment if desired. I have yet to figure out all the items.
### PurpleAir Local Outside
- platform: rest
name: 'PurpleAir'
value_template: '{{ value_json.SensorId }}'
scan_interval: 120
#- SensorId
#- DateTime
#- Geo
#- Mem
#- memfrag
#- memfb
#- memcs
#- Id
#- lat
#- log
#- Adc
#- loggingrate
#- place
#- version
- uptime
- rssi
#- period
#- httpsuccess
#- httpsends
#- hardwareversion
#- hardwarediscovered
- current_temp_f
- current_humidity
- current_dewpoint_f
- pressure
- p25aqic_b
- pm2.5_aqi_b
- pm1_0_cf_1_b
- p_0_3_um_b
- pm2_5_cf_1_b
- p_0_5_um_b
- pm10_0_cf_1_b
- p_1_0_um_b
- pm1_0_atm_b
- p_2_5_um_b
- pm2_5_atm_b
- p_5_0_um_b
- pm10_0_atm_b
- p_10_0_um_b
- p25aqic
- pm2.5_aqi
- pm1_0_cf_1
- p_0_3_um
- pm2_5_cf_1
- p_0_5_um
- pm10_0_cf_1
- p_1_0_um
- pm1_0_atm
- p_2_5_um
- pm2_5_atm
- p_5_0_um
- pm10_0_atm
- p_10_0_um
#- pa_latency
#- response
#- response_date
#- latency
#- key1_response
#- key1_response_date
#- key1_count
#- ts_latency
#- key2_response
#- key2_response_date
#- key2_count
#- ts_s_latency
#- key1_response_b
#- key1_response_date_b
#- key1_count_b
#- ts_latency_b
#- key2_response_b
#- key2_response_date_b
#- key2_count_b
#- ts_s_latency_b
#- wlstate
#- status_0
#- status_1
#- status_2
#- status_3
#- status_4
#- status_5
#- status_6
#- status_7
#- status_8
#- status_9
#- ssid
Below are the Indoor PA options:
#- SensorId
#- DateTime
#- Geo
#- Mem
#- memfrag
#- memfb
#- memcs
#- Id
#- lat
#- lon
#- Adc
#- loggingrate
#- place
#- version
- uptime
- rssi
#- period
#- httpsuccess
#- httpsends
#- hardwareversion
#- hardwarediscovered
- current_temp_f
- current_humidity
- current_dewpoint_f
- pressure
#- p25aqic
- pm2.5_aqi
- pm1_0_cf_1
- p_0_3_um
- pm2_5_cf_1
- p_0_5_um
- pm10_0_cf_1
- p_1_0_um
- pm1_0_atm
- p_2_5_um
- pm2_5_atm
- p_5_0_um
- pm10_0_atm
- p_10_0_um
#- pa_latency
#- key1_response
#- key1_response_date
#- key1_count
#- ts_latency
#- key2_response
#- key2_response_date
#- key2_count
#- ts_s_latency
#- key1_response_b
#- key1_response_date_b
#- key1_count_b
#- ts_latency_b
#- wlstate
#- status_0
#- status_1
#- status_2
#- status_3
#- status_4
#- status_5
#- status_7
#- status_8
#- status_9
#- ssid
March 5, 2022, 3:11am
To anyone interested in purchasing an indoor and an outdoor sensor, I would highly recommend purchasing two outdoor sensors instead of an indoor sensor and an outdoor sensor. The indoor sensor is not nearly as accurate as the outdoor sensor.
I’ll be returning my indoor sensor and replacing it with an outdoor sensor. So I’ll have 2 outdoor sensors, but one will be used indoors and one will be used outdoors.
Source relating to the inferiority of the indoor sensor:
1 Like
March 5, 2022, 6:29pm
Sure, post this the day after I get my indoor.
1 Like
March 8, 2022, 8:29am
No worries GlennHA, I did the same thing. I personally contacted PurpleAir and they were more than willing to exchange the indoor sensor for the outdoor sensor. It came out to about an extra $60 that I had to pay them for the price difference between the two sensors which I believe is completely worth it.
March 8, 2022, 8:39am
I’ve finally got the PurpleAir Outdoor sensor incorporated into HA in a very nice manner that looks decent.
The PM2.5 colors are pulled directly from PurpleAir’s JSON file as well so it updates the color-codes perfectly.
If anyone is interested in using this, here is the HA Lovelave code (requires my NodeRed code to pull in the data as I linked above):
type: vertical-stack
title: PurpleAir Outdoor Sensor's
- type: horizontal-stack
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_aqi_2_5_120s_moving_average_a
color: black;
scale: 35px
title: PM2.5 (A)
type: custom:bignumber-card
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
style: |
ha-card {
background: {{ states('sensor.purpleair_outdoor_pm_2_5_aqi_rgb_color_a') }}
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_aqi_2_5_120s_moving_average_b
color: black;
scale: 35px
title: PM2.5 (B)
type: custom:bignumber-card
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
style: |
ha-card {
background: {{ states('sensor.purpleair_outdoor_pm_2_5_aqi_rgb_color_b') }}
- type: horizontal-stack
- type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: custom:button-card
name: PM1.0 (µg/m3)
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_1_0um_mass_a
title: 'Sensor: A'
scale: 20px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_1_0um_mass_b
title: 'Sensor: B'
scale: 20px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: custom:button-card
name: PM2.5 (µg/m3)
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_2_5um_mass_a
title: 'Sensor: A'
scale: 20px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_2_5um_mass_b
title: 'Sensor: B'
scale: 20px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: custom:button-card
name: PM10 (µg/m3)
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_10_0um_mass_a
title: 'Sensor: A'
scale: 20px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_10_0um_mass_b
title: 'Sensor: B'
scale: 20px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: custom:button-card
name: Partical Counter (particles/deciliter)
- type: horizontal-stack
- type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: custom:button-card
name: '>=0.3µm'
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_3um_partical_count_a
title: 'Sensor: A'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_3um_partical_count_b
title: 'Sensor: B'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: custom:button-card
name: '>=0.5µm'
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_5um_partical_count_a
title: 'Sensor: A'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_5um_partical_count_b
title: 'Sensor: B'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: custom:button-card
name: '>=1.0µm'
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_1_0um_partical_count_a
title: 'Sensor: A'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_1_0um_partical_count_b
title: 'Sensor: B'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: custom:button-card
name: '>=2.5µm'
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_2_5um_partical_count_a
title: 'Sensor: A'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_2_5um_partical_count_b
title: 'Sensor: B'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: custom:button-card
name: '>=5.0µm'
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_5_0um_partical_count_a
title: 'Sensor: A'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_5_0um_partical_count_b
title: 'Sensor: B'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- type: custom:stack-in-card
- type: custom:button-card
name: '>=10µm'
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_10_0um_partical_count_a
title: 'Sensor: A'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
- entity: sensor.purpleair_outdoor_10_0um_partical_count_b
title: 'Sensor: B'
scale: 12px
type: custom:bignumber-card
hideunit: true
noneCardClass: custom:bignumber-card
1 Like
March 13, 2022, 10:05pm
I wonder if there is a way to remove some majorTicks but still have the colors fitting to the ticks (and as I assume the pointer pointing to the correct values)?
My idea is to strech the lower intervals and compress the bigger intervals because nobody cares if it is 360 or 390.
type: custom:mod-card
class: top-level-graph
type: custom:canvas-gauge-card
entity: sensor.pm2_5
type: radial-gauge
title: Feinstaub 2.5
width: 230
height: 230
minValue: 0
maxValue: 500
startAngle: 40
ticksAngle: 280
valueBox: true
- '0'
- '50'
- '100'
- '150'
- '200'
- '300'
- '500'
minorTicks: 5
strokeTicks: true
- from: 0
to: 50
color: rgba(104, 225, 67, .75)
- from: 50
to: 100
color: rgba(255, 255, 85, .75)
- from: 100
to: 150
color: rgba(239, 133, 51, .75)
- from: 150
to: 200
color: rgba(234, 51, 36, .75)
- from: 200
to: 300
color: rgba(140, 26, 75, .75)
- from: 300
to: 500
color: rgba(115, 20, 37, .75)
borders: 'no'
needleType: arrow
needleWidth: 4
needleCircleSize: 7
needleCircleOuter: true
needleCircleInner: false
animationDuration: 1500
animationRule: linear
valueBoxBorderRadius: 10
colorValueBoxRect: '#222'
colorValueBoxRectEnd: '#333'
valueDec: 0
valueInt: null
March 13, 2022, 11:06pm
You can change the major ticks and change the maxValue to anything you want.
March 13, 2022, 11:08pm
Did so.
But why are the colors not fitting to the numbers or vice versa?
And the pointer seems to be wrong, too.
In the picture above the 50 is in the yellow area although it should be green.
- from: 0
to: 50
color: rgba(104, 225, 67, .75)
March 14, 2022, 12:12am
The major ticks must be equally apart, so you can’t skip numbers. It would appear you can in the documentation, but in practice I’ve not ever been able to get it to work without equidistant numbers.
(Mark Boarman)
April 12, 2022, 8:02pm
Alright…please go easy on me for asking this question, but I’ve read through most of the thread and I’m still a little confused. Do I need to purchase a sensor to gain access to the API for purpleair? Or is it possible to obtain the information needed to create a Air quality card without a sensor? I checked their map and see several sensors right in my area, is there a way to tap into those? Sorry…I’m just confused! lol
(David Proffer)
April 13, 2022, 12:52am
I have no Purple devices. I read from three Purple devices triangulated around my locations every 15 minutes and average these to give me a sense of AQI in area.
Good hunting!
1 Like
(Mark Boarman)
April 13, 2022, 1:17pm
thanks for the quick response! Do I need an API key to grab the data?
(David Proffer)
April 13, 2022, 3:55pm
For the way I went, no api key needed. I wrote a small python program that I run in docker, based on the post listed below. My code just loops thru the list of purple sensors I have selected every 15 minutes, extracts the data from each sensor, then creates a MQTT message for each sensor. I then consume these in Home Assistant as MQTT sensors. Runs very solid for months continuously, however some of the Purple sensors do seem to go off line for periods. I have found the data useful. Good hunting!
A blog about Data Analysis, SQL Server, scripts, automation, data, technology projects, web scraping, python scripts.
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