Pushover and notifications for alarm

I’m trying to figure out how to send a pushover notification when the alarm system is disarmed or armed. I have the pushover notifier added to the system but I’m not sure if the following will work

    - platform: state
       entity_id: sensor.home_alarm_keypad
       state: 'Arm Away'
    - service: notify.pushover
       message: Alarm Armed Away

    - platform: state
      entity_id: sensor.home_alarm_keypad
      state: 'Disarmed'
    - service:notify.pushover
       message: Disarmed

You’ve got some indentation errors, but that otherwise looks correct. Here’s code where I did something similar, using the ID of the person that disarmed the alarm to identify them in the notification. Handy to let me know when the kids get home from school and I’m not home.

note that this code was based on an earlier version of the component. Use last_disarmed_by_user now rather than last_changed_by_user.

Thanks it doesn’t like something about the way I have it… I’ll try more later after the birthday party…

Run a test with the services dev tool to make sure Pushover is working.

JSON for the service call
{“entity_id”:“notify.pushover”,“message”:“This is a test”}

Well that didn’t work This is there error I see. I’m guessing I’m supposed to put my entitiy id in the place in your JSON

domain=notify, service_call_id=4356956960-51, service_data=sensor.home_alarm_keypad=notify.pushover, message=This is a test, service=notifier_name>
ERROR:homeassistant.core:Invalid service data for notify.notifier_name: extra keys not allowed @ data[‘sensor.home_alarm_keypad’]. Got ‘notify.pushover’

But If I do just this part to test I do get messages from pushover
{“message”:" Alarm System Disarmed"}

I got it working with Pushbullet for now I think .Lol

Boy this is a learning experience