SOLVED: PVOutput not working after upgrading to 2021.6.4

Hi all.
Ive been using the PVOputput integration for ages. Ive just updated from 2021.5.4 to .6.4, and PvOutpput isnt showing, or atleast is pulling in 0 values.

There doesnt seem to be anything in the logs, and the sensor doesnt exist in developer settings → states.

Im making other api calls for other functionality and those are all working, its just the inbuilt integration.

Is this a known thing?

Found this in the log ::
2021-06-15 21:50:41 ERROR (MainThread) [] Error fetching data: failed with Server disconnected while attempting read
2021-06-15 21:50:41 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.pvoutput.sensor] Unable to fetch data from PVOutput

possibly related to this,
Envoy integration fails after 2021.6.4 loaded - Configuration - Home Assistant Community (
and should be a fix in 2021.6.5 or downgrade to 2021.6.3

Thanks – found that after I posted, definitely looks related.

I rolled back to .6.3 and now its working.