Pylontech Battery monitor

I have successfully built the Pylontech Battery Monitor interface,
I have a stack of 4 Pylontech us2000 batteries.
Can anyone tell me the correct syntax of the datalist command, Show recorded data.

datalist [event/history][item/bat][batnun][volt/curr/temp/coul][item]

I can query the master battery where the console cable is connected, but not batteries 2, 3 and 4. I can’t get any results, just a syntax error!

Thank you

@all who already built this Wemos + Max3232 thing.

Did you use the Funspark Max3232 or a random cheap Max3232 mini ?


Funspark Max3232

I’ve update project with corrected dependency and I’ve made a file with all configuration parameters

Is there any chance to use this RS233 → eth adapter?