Python 3.6 upgrade of a virtualenv

Thank god for your efforts here. The Hassbian upgrade script killed my Home assistant and your comment here helped me recover my sqllite database. FYI after step 19, i did have to run the hassbian homeassistant install script again and then all was working.

Thanks for taking the time to make these detailed instructions available.

I followed the procedure as described, and it worked very smoothly with one small exception. I didn’t have any problems with zeroconf or openzwave, but the first time I loaded the modules from requirements.txt, it aborted with the message:

pkg-resources==0.0.0 (from -r /tmp/requirements.txt (line 40)) (from versions: ) 
 No matching distribution found for pkg-resources==0.0.0 (from -r   /tmp/requirements.txt (line 40))

I think that may have been something added long ago that is no longer used. I commented out that line and it ran to completion on the next attempt. No more nagging from HA about my python version!