QBittorrent component or sensor

In case its of use to anyone, there is a custom component in HACs that can be used to switch the alternative speed limit on and off. https://github.com/JurajNyiri/HomeAssistant-qBitTorrentAlternativeSpeed

That would be perfect for me, but I can’t make it to work. Any idea what could be wrong? I installed it through HACS with your url.

I have restarted HA but I don’t have any switch called qbittorrent.


>  - platform: qbittorrent_alternative_speed
>     host:
>     username: fillilutten
>     password: ******
>     port: 8080
>     protocol: http
>     name: qbittorrent

The only thing you can maybe try is removing the extra indentation, below platform. Assuming the other details are correct.

  - platform: qbittorrent_alternative_speed
    username: fillilutten
    password: ******
    port: 8080
    protocol: http
    name: qbittorrent

I already have it like that, only messed up in the first message. Strange…have you got it to work?

Yeah the component works well for me and my config looks the same, only other difference is im not specifying a protocol or name. The webui is enabled in your qbittorrent program options?

Yes I only use qbittorrent through webui.

So you have it something like this?

>   - platform: qbittorrent_alternative_speed
>     host:
>     username: username
>     password: ******
>     port: 8080

Can someone throw me a bone? i found these files, how do i upload them to HA? I am new to this.

I submitted a PR, after much struggle (I’m most certainly not a developer :sweat_smile:), that has all the changes to get a full list of downloading torrents into HA:

Has anyone had any luck adding the “monitored variables” feature to the qBittorrent Sensor?
It doesn’t look like these changes were properly submitted / completed?

Looks like the last pull request went stale and was never added.

I just started using qbittorrent was was very supprised that the current componet had so few values.

Really need download counts, active torrents etc like the transmission integration.

Same here, I found even more recent PR which didn’t got merged but I was able to import it manually modifying the docker image of hass using web terminal.
Unfortunately the changes won’t be saved upon next Core release.

Any chance to revive the PR? @geoffreylagaisse

Some information as to how to modify the docker image:

Hi @NightMean , due to private reasons and the fact that the PR was open for more than a year, it indeed went stale. But I am gradually continuing with the PR. The latest changes I did in my branch have an unfortunate bug that the values aren’t refreshing. I’m still investigating. If I find a solution I will first push it to HACS while the new or reopened PR is going to the merging process


Awesome! Thank you so much.

Guys, so much interesting stuff happening here, too bad PRs go stale.

Is there a chance a version sensor can be added to this integration? The underlying lib apparently has it:


Hello ! fist sorry for my english is not my mother tongue.

in last four days i adapter code @danielbibit for use in new versions of home assistant…
I used most of his code, thanks @danielbibit and made some upgrades kkkk
it is my git repo with code and tested in new version home assistant.

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It is interesting that the official integration got an upgrade to add GUI config but still lacks these extra features.

Hi @geoffreylagaisse, any possible update on the official integration? The previous PR was submitted almost 3 years ago :frowning: