I will post it again tomorrow with some small improvements,
Here is my picture elements card. I have used the sensors from the @mbotje integration:
type: picture-elements
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_quatt_cop
top: 59%
left: 35%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_qc_supervisory_control_mode
top: 93%
left: 42%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_temperaturewaterout
top: 40%
left: 88%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_temperaturewaterin
top: 54%
left: 88%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_powerinput
top: 71%
left: 87%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_flowmeter_flowrate
top: 46%
left: 60%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_temperatureoutside
top: 18%
left: 50%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_thermostat_room_setpoint
top: 54%
left: 11%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_thermostat_room_temperature
top: 76%
left: 11%
image: /local/Quatt.png
Ik heb 4 sensoren in HA gemaakt om de input power en de heat power in Watt om te zetten naar kWh. Ik ben nu aan het vergelijken met de grafieken in de Quatt app en het komt redelijk overeen.
Mocht je interesse hebben, doe er je voordeel mee…
De eerste twee sensore gebruiken de Riemann sum integral https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/integration/ om W om te zetten naar kWh:
- platform: integration
name: "Quatt Power Input kWh"
source: sensor.heatpump_hp1_powerinput
unit_prefix: k
round: 2
method: left
- platform: integration
name: "Quatt Heat Power kWh"
source: sensor.heatpump_hp1_power
unit_prefix: k
round: 2
method: left
Dit levert een continue oplopende waarde, dus daarmee het totale verbruik in kWh. Om deze vervolgens om te zetten in een dagelijks verbruik, heb ik nog twee extra sensoren aangemaakt met de Utility Meter (https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/utility_meter/):
source: sensor.quatt_power_input_kwh
name: Quatt Power Input kWh Hourly
cycle: hourly
offset: 00:00
source: sensor.quatt_heat_power_kwh
name: Quatt Heat Power kWh Hourly
cycle: hourly
offset: 00:00
En de laatste stap voor in het HA dasboard gebruik ik een Statiscs Graph (https://www.home-assistant.io/dashboards/statistics-graph) om het dagelijkse verbruik te tonen:
Per uur:
chart_type: bar
period: hour
type: statistics-graph
- sensor.quatt_power_input_kwh_hourly
- sensor.quatt_heat_power_kwh_hourly
- state
title: Hourly kWh
days_to_show: 1
En per dag:
chart_type: bar
period: day
type: statistics-graph
- sensor.quatt_power_input_kwh_hourly
- sensor.quatt_heat_power_kwh_hourly
- sum
title: Daily kWh
days_to_show: 7
En het resultaat in HA heeft een zeer kleine afwijking (paar %-tjes) tov de Quatt App:
Wellicht handig om deze link ook te delen op de OP.
Nieuwe Quatt en HA forum op Tweakers:
Here is my new Tado version of the Picture element card, including 3 conditional appearing icons
This version is also better in the dark mode:
type: picture-elements
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_quatt_cop
top: 59%
left: 38%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_qc_supervisory_control_mode
top: 93%
left: 45%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_temperaturewaterout
top: 40%
left: 90%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_temperaturewaterin
top: 54%
left: 90%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_powerinput
top: 71%
left: 90%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_flowmeter_flowrate
top: 46%
left: 63%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_temperatureoutside
top: 17%
left: 52%
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_thermostat_room_setpoint
top: 46%
left: 13%
font-size: 16px
- type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_thermostat_room_temperature
top: 76%
left: 13%
- type: conditional
- entity: sun.sun
state: above_horizon
- type: image
image: /local/Sun.png
top: 18%
left: 34%
width: 20%
- type: conditional
- entity: sun.sun
state: below_horizon
- type: image
image: /local/Moon.png
top: 17%
left: 34%
width: 20%
- type: conditional
- entity: binary_sensor.heatpump_hp1_silentmode
state: 'on'
- type: image
image: /local/Stilte.png
top: 18%
left: 87%
width: 14%
- type: conditional
- entity: binary_sensor.heatpump_boiler_heating
state: 'on'
- type: image
image: /local/Boiler.png
top: 18%
left: 13%
width: 13%
image: /local/Quatt3.png
@mbotje the integration is missing the power sensor for HP2. See https://github.com/marcoboers/home-assistant-quatt/issues/46
Thanks, I get the notifications from GitHub as well
Will look into it in the next few days
That’s looking great. I just configured it like you instructed, works greats, except the data of several entities is with a lot of decimals. Like flow (796.845984 l/h) or thermostat temperature (18.976562 °C).
How do you cut this? If seen something with {{ (states(…) | float - 6) | round(2) }}, but because i don’t see anything in your instruction i wonder if this is new in the data from the quatt or you did something in your config?
Someone submitted an issue for this on GitHub and I am planning to fix this on Saturday. So if you have some patience you only have to update through HACS on Sunday
You can edit the amount of decimals by clicking on the item, then you see:
then click on the wheel and adjust Display precision.
I have created a new release that sets some sensible defaults for precision for all sensors. You can still override the precision per sensor in the way @Doublet stated.
Inspired by @Doublet i just created my first picture card in HA. In case Quatt goes broke and the app won’t function anymore i have a backup.
This is a first test, i want to change the image based on the supervisor mode (thanks @arthurrump for your script, that gave me the idea).
If anyone is interested, let me know. When i am finished i will place the instruction here. I tried picture instead of mdi-icons, but i find the icons a bit nicer.
Is there any value that would be added, please let me know so that i can build it in al the images.
@mbotje thanks for the update, i will update asap, for now i used @doublet tips
Hi @arthurrump . For the creation of the right images.
What is the Quatt doing at at stage 1, standby - heating.
And what is the difference between stage 96 and 97.
99 is an error, quatt is not working, but for safety the pump is running? Is that correct?
verguldebarman: vermogens grafieken
Nieuw bij HA maar nu al enthousiast.
Wat mij opvalt is dat de dagelijkse rapportage een doortellend getal weergeeft en niet de productie/verbruik per dag. (0-21-45-66 enz)
De functie “stat_types: change” verandert de weergave in dagelijks verbruik/opbrengst
Doublet: overzichtsbeeld
Geweldige interface die alle data ineens laat zien. Ik heb nog wel het momentane vermogen toegevoegd aan het overzicht.
Mij lukt het alleen niet om de dag/nacht overgang goed in beeld te krijgen.
Of de afbeelding blijft wit ook op de mobiel waar de rest van de grafieken wel automatisch naar zwarte achtergrond overschakelt. Maak ik nu het picture element transparant dan is deze op de mobiel mooi zwart met lichte tekst maar in de webbrowser blijft die zwart. Omdat de tekst in de webbrowser zwart is, is deze niet dus niet leesbaar.
Is dit in te stellen?
Ik heb het originele plaatje van Doublet ontvangen en daarmee werkt alles naar behoren. Blijkbaar is er iets mis gegaan in het transparant maken van het eerst gebruikte plaatje.
Ik heb een aantal verfijningen aangebracht die ik nuttig vond en deze deel ik graag.
De code die ik gebruik is als volgt:
type: picture-elements
title: Quatt overzicht
image: /local/Quatt5.png
- type: state-label
state: null
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_quatt_cop
top: 59%
left: 38% - type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_qc_supervisory_control_mode
top: 93%
left: 45% - type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_temperaturewaterout
top: 38%
left: 90% - type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_temperaturewaterin
top: 55%
left: 90% - type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_powerinput
top: 71%
left: 91% - type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_power
top: 19%
left: 89% - type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_flowmeter_flowrate
top: 46%
left: 63% - type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_hp1_temperatureoutside
top: 17%
left: 52% - type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_thermostat_room_setpoint
top: 47%
left: 13%
font-size: 16px - type: state-label
entity: sensor.heatpump_thermostat_room_temperature
top: 93%
left: 13% - type: conditional
conditions:- entity: sun.sun
state: above_horizon
elements: - type: image
image: /local/Sun.png
top: 17%
left: 34%
width: 20%
- entity: sun.sun
- type: conditional
conditions:- entity: sun.sun
state: below_horizon
elements: - type: image
image: /local/Moon.png
top: 16%
left: 34%
width: 20%
- entity: sun.sun
- type: conditional
conditions:- entity: binary_sensor.heatpump_hp1_silentmode
state: ‘on’
elements: - type: image
image: /local/Stilte.png
top: 15%
left: 70%
width: 14%
- entity: binary_sensor.heatpump_hp1_silentmode
- type: conditional
conditions:- entity: binary_sensor.heatpump_boiler_heating
state: ‘on’
elements: - type: image
image: /local/Boiler.png
top: 18%
left: 13%
width: 13%
- entity: binary_sensor.heatpump_boiler_heating
@mbotje ; tipje; houdt de HA integratie even goed in de gaten vanwege de aanpassingen in de JSON na CIC update naar versie 2.10.0.
Released a fix for the firmware update
I have a persistent problem that I cannot resolve. In my log the following occurs every 10 seconds:
WARNING (MainThread) [custom_components.quatt] Could not find hp2 of hp2.temperatureWaterOut
Custom component (Quatt) discarded and reinstalled. problem remains.