Qubino 3-phase meter ZMNHXDx reporting 0 in all sensors

Yes, it says 1.00 for me as well.

I have also bought this 3-phase meter.
But my problem is that even i add it via “add secure node” i only get 4 entities + one unknown.
and nothing for L1 or L2 or L3 wattage voltage or power.

My entities are these:

My zwcfg_0xe82e7cca.xml was missing info for that device so i added info i got here, but event after restart still only these entities.

also i have these kind of error in ozw log:
2020-02-08 17:20:42.419 Error, Node010, Cannot find endpoint map to instance for Command Class COMMAND_CLASS_METER endpoint 1

I have my home assistant in synology docker with AEON Labs ZW090 Z-Stick Gen5 EU.
Version is: Home Assistant 0.104.3
and qubino meter firmware is 1.0

Did you include it “secure”? It kind of sounds like how it failed to work for me when I did that.

Is there a way to check if it is added securely?

I pressed “Add node secure” in z-wave control panel in HA.
I have also added this line “network key” to configuration.yaml

usb_path: /dev/ttyACM1
network_key: “0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x02, 0x03, 0x03, 0x04, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x0A, 0x0A, 0x0D, 0x0D, 0x0B, 0x0B”


It seems that i added device when my synology was about 5m away behind a cyproc wall :slight_smile:
Now I took synology next to power meter and then did another secure add and now every entiti was discovered.

So it seems that when adding you have to take device next to usb stick…

Keep in mind not all secure zwave devices require this :wink:


Now it seems i have similar problem like people in this thread.
All power figeres are updating correclty when they change.

but current figures are constant from 9:00 AM. And if I look at Phase 1 Current, it said that updated 1 minutes ago but current is 10,15A even it is not that because wattage Phase 1 is smaller and correct.

It seems that this “43: Other Values - Reporting on time interval” I have set to 60 (seconds) is not working because i do not see anything in the log. But somehow it saves that it updated 1 minute ago??

I get kWAh and other energy every 600 sec just fine.

Hi, @nuxland.

after adding the smart meter as “secure node” I have exactly the same values as you, including strange *_unknown entity.
Reinclusion (without reset) as “secure node” did not provide any improvement.

Only after reinclusion as “normal node” (non secure) I got all values. 3x _current for all 3-phase, 3x power, 3x voltage -> ca. 16 entities.

Hi guys, I have a similar issue with Qubino 3-phase meter and also enabling the IR port to control the Bicom Relay switch. The process is to set parameters 100 to 1, remove the node then add node and you should see the additional switch. I asked Qubino support who had me install the developer kit from Sigma and try again. In there I see the additional parameter stick but when I try with HA is always comes back with the parameter reset. Is there something HA does to reset all parameters on add? Any help would be appreciated.

Hi, same issue. qubino standalone works fine, reports 3xU, 3xI, 3xP, 3xPF and over all Energy and Power but I am not able to configure BICOM432 IR communication.

With BICOM: same issue when exclude and include, qubino is reconfigured to factory and does not announce presence of BICOM432 switch, therefore no chance to get BICOM configured.

using HA on raspi4 with UZB-stick, node added ‘not secure’ …

Has somebody a solution to fix that?

Edit: changed from z-wave integration to open z-wave integration on HA, can now edit parameters. My fault was to press ‘S’ button too long. When pressing ‘S’ button on qubino once within 0.2-6s exclusion and inclusion works fine with keeping settings on parameter 7, 100, 106, 112.

I can see now the switch in HA as ‘phase 1 switch’ as well as ‘reading switch’, but BICOM does not react on ‘phase 1 switch’ parameter changes and qubino shows always switch=off (yellow LED 2=off) even I change BICOM switch manually. Seems that there is no IR communication btw qubino and BICOM Switch, even qubino seems to receive the z-wave command :grimacing: :thinking:

Any suggestions to activate those things to communicate to each other ???

Did you get it working?

I have the exact same issue, LED2 stays off even when using the hardware switch. Parameter100 is set to correct value, and switch in HA does send correct value. The meter responds to that command but says “switch=off” every time.

No any comments recently, does it work nowadays or is there still some issues with zwavejs? Consider to buy one…

What should work: Qubino 3-phase meter ZMNHXDx is working with Zwave (JS) great (2022.8.3).
I can even use it for my photovoltaic system in order to see the consumed and produced energy and NO trigger workaround stuff or what ever is needed.

What is even great that the smart meter is able to accumulate the power, (Shelly EM is not able)
PVS generates 1300 watt on P1 and my home needs say 800W on P1/2/3 so I get -500 W and will be counted to deliver into grid no matter what that you only generate on P1 and nothing on P2 or P3.

The only bad thing is that after one year (day you included the device) the stored value will be reset automatically and if this period is unequal billing period of your energy supplier then you do not get the values any more.

in case you have a newer version with QR DSK codes key then you can perform the OTA firmware upgrade:

Steps see:


Detailed steps and preconditions:

I got mine working last month. Trick was to separate the two units (~5mm) and then do the exclude/include dance again. After that, it kept working even after pushing them back together.