Hey @Pifou ,
Sorry to come back to this one…did you solve the issue with the temp sensor on your Qubino devices ?
Got the same issue with 11 Flush Shutters with temp sensor since migrating to Z-Wave JS…
Same issue for me : the temp sensor is not updated since I move from OZW to zwave-js.
The zwave-js dev said that it was working with OZW because OZW used to regularly poll devices. Can someone confirm that ?
An update from my side: migrated to Z-Wave JS two weeks ago…I have 11 Qubino Flush Shutter, all in venetian blinds mode, mostly from 2018 with firmware 1.1. I have one newer module with firmware 71.1.
Here’s a summary of my “fight” with those devices.
Sequence of movement complexity: At up/down movement request, the Flush Shutters reacts as expected. But after a few seconds, it sends a random position update. At end of movement, the final position is being sent by the module. This random and unexpected “middle” statement completely breaks my scripts logic. I need to rely on these status update to do sequence of movement. Yes, you need that for venetian blinds for to set the tilt position !
Resulting position in HA sometimes wrong : Setting a vertical position for my blind at 50, always gives me a resulting position of 51. Could be an issue with 0-99 Zwave scale vs 0-100 HA scale.Not so practical to acknowledge movement in script.
→ ended up adjusting all my scripts to consider this bug
Temperature not reporting correctly: Amongst my 11 Flush Shutters, 6 have the temperature sensor attached. No issue with old Zwave integration. Since ZwaveJS:
- I needed to test all the possible Zwave group association possible: the least worse setup I found is the following one:
→ remove all existing association
→ Add association “0 → lifeline → Node1 → 0”
→ Add association “1 → lifeline → Node1 → 0”
→ Add association “2 → lifeline → Node1 → 0”
→ Add association “3 → lifeline → Node1 → 0” - It was still not working correctly, always got a “49.9” value always coming randomly back from the device. Finally I ended up:
→ Disable the automatic polling on all Flush Shutters where I have a temperature sensor
→ Poll the devices one by one and every 5 minutes via script (to avoid any Zwave Network overload)
→ Workaround OK
I have 2 last things to say:
about Z-Wave JS: it works really well. It’s pretty snappy, my Z-Wave networks with 38 devices is more responsive as before.
about Qubino:
→ since 2018 working with these Flush Shutters, I have to say that the base firmware in these days (v1.1) is buggy. Or let’s say AT LEAST, the implementation in the Z-wave is not consistent amongst platforms.
→ The only newest Flush Shutter that I have (v71.1) seems to have less inconsistency in parasital position reporting.
→ The power measurements failed already on 4 of my 11 Flush shutters. I replaced 2 with guarantee. Then I gave up. This is not reliable…
→ There is now way to update the firmware on these Flush shutters, but to dismount them and send them to Qubino. I can’t do that. My 11 venetian blinds are my main heat source via bio/solar heating. Qubino should offer for customers the ability to update firmware, even by selling an “upgrade kit” or something like that.
If anybody is working with these Flush Shutters and have better solutions as my mine to workaround or solve the issues I mentioned, I would really be happy to discuss about it !