Qubino Mini Dimmer

I’m adding a Qubino Mini Dimmer. he comes up as unknown

Qubino (Goap) Unknown: type=0001, id=0055 (Node:4 Complete)

is it not supported

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Does not seem to be supported. HA is using version open zwave 1.4 and it does not seem to list your dimmer https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave/tree/v1.4/config/qubino

But the device appears to have been added in version 1.6: https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave/blob/fd666b29e83f028c7189eda6122ad50bee43d6fd/config/manufacturer_specific.xml#L1330
Not sure, when version 1.6 will be integrated into HA though.

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Unfortunately no, the 1.6 doesn’t contain the Qubino Mini Dimmer, check the 1.6’s manufacturer_specific.xml: https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave/blob/890f24b7e88f488eee464ed14c01fbceb276cf2a/config/manufacturer_specific.xml#L1301

The https://github.com/OpenZWave/open-zwave/commit/84f8ec245469220311165b142483d72cf2b4e93c patch makes the ZMNHHDx Mini Dimmer properly available, but this is not released yet.

I tweaked the Home Assistant 0.100.3 with the proper Open Z-Wave config dir, but the UI is still very laggy and sometimes the switch set back to the previous state… :confused:

But if you want to try, feel free with https://hub.docker.com/r/andrastim/home-assistant

Just a warning, the OZW 1.6 config files are not fully backwards compatible with OZW 1.4. It could cause issues if you use them as-is. It would probably be safer to take the single config file needed, and convert it to the 1.4 format, in some cases it might be a simple translation.

You also don’t need to use a special docker image just to use custom zwave config files. You can download the 1.4 release and copy the config files into /config somewhere (e.g. /config/zwave) and set the config_path setting in configuration.yaml to that path. You can then edit or add new config files and they will persist there even with HA upgrades.

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I registered a new feature request to HA:

Feel free to vote it up :wink:

Just installed one and discover the same issue. Did you add the config file as it is or did you update it to be 1.4 compliant ?
If you update it, could you share it ?

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I did the following to use the OZW 1.6 config for Qubino Mini Dimmer ZMNHHDx (type 0001, id 0055):

  1. I downloaded the OZW 1.4 source using “Clone or download”, then unzipped it to my computer (OZW 1.4)
  2. I used the following info from OZW 1.6 config to the unzipped 1.4 files (collected it, so you don’t have to do it anymore): Qubino Mini Dimmer ZMNHHDx OZW 1.4 · GitHub
  3. added the line in the gist to manufacturer_specific.xml to the section where Qubino devices can be found
  4. I modified the 1.6 version descriptor a tiny bit to match the rest (also in the gist) and put that to OZW1.4 config/qubino/ZMNHHDx.xml
  5. uploaded the modified OZW 1.4 config folder to a subfolder of my HA config folder (eg. /config/zwave/ which contains the folders 2gig, act, … plus the files from the same level, all unzipped from the OZW 1.4 source)
  6. added the config folder tho my zwave integration. I use config.yaml, so it was:
   usb_path: zwave_controller_path
   config_path: /config/zwave/
   network_key: !secret zwave_network_key
  1. I stopped HA using ssh (hassio homeassistant stop)
  2. made a copy and then edited the file /config/zwcfg_*.xml (* is a unique hex hash) and removed the node corresponding to my dimmer from <Node> to </Node> (do NOT exclude or remove the dimmer from the UI, this file will be regenerated once the network restarts)
  3. restarted HA using ssh (hassio homeassistant start)
  4. waited for the Z-wave network to start, then after some time the node came back to the list with all the correct options (name, endpoints, group associations, config options, etc.)
  5. I had to restart HA once more to have all the entities correctly

Since then it seems to be working fine


For an exact conversion of the 1.6 config you would want to change this:

    <!-- Map endpoints to instances -->
    <CommandClass id="96">

to this:

    <!-- Map endpoints to instances -->
    <CommandClass id="96" mapping="endpoints"/>

The first is for OZW 1.6 and the second is the same setting for 1.4.

You also might want to use the HASS fork as a base for your own copy of the config files. It includes all the 1.4 files plus a few that aren’t in 1.4.

You could submit a PR to the HASS fork with your change, it might be accepted and added to a future HA release. There were updates added to 0.103.


Thanks for your comment, I just made my first pull request ever :slight_smile: