Question about a template

Thanks both of you!!!

This all helps greatly!!!

Crude test confirming it’s faster … by 0.00005 seconds.

It appears that cowboysdude has the reaction time of a fly to be able to “feel” this improvement. :wink:

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Well, the timing difference is still must smaller than that for strings. It’s only so high because you’re using state_attr. Raw comps will be 0.0000xx seconds. It’ll make a difference if you’re iterating lists. It won’t make a difference if you’re using filters. However, the is none for filters is smaller than using eq or ==, which you typically like.


{{ some_list | reject('none') }}
{{ entities | rejectattr('x', 'none') }}


{{ some_list | reject('eq', none) }}
{{ entities | rejectattr('x', 'eq', none) }}

i.e. like 4 characters shorter.

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