Looks like we’ll have to reinvent the wheel on this one… There’s an unsupported API in the device for fully controlling the thermostat. A Github user provides some helpful information as well as a copy of the API documentation:
There is full read/write access to the heat/cool schedule, as well as current status – logging and charting would need to be collected and displayed programmatically on the server: the thermostat doesn’t store historical information.
I don’t know (yet) how to implement any of this into HomeAssistant. Any veterans willing to offer some guidance?
Has there been any progress on creating the ability to creating set the times for the scheduled temperature set point?
I would like the following minimal control functionality:
Cooling Schedule
Create Weekday (MoTuWeThFr) Weekend (SaSu) Schedules
1.1 Weekday Schedule with 4 time/temp set points
Overnight (to next day wake time)
1.2 Weekday Schedule with 3 time/temp set points
Repeat above for HEAT schedule
It would be nice if these could be done via a gui in the HA interface for non technical users but if this has to be done via AML that would be fine for now
Be able to adjust the currently set target temp to override the currently scheduled setpoint but this temp hold temperature should get replace when the next scheduled time/temp setpoint occurs
Ability to switch from Heat scheduled mode to Cool Scheduled Mode via Card controls
This would provide the minimal functionality required to replace the Radio Thermostat App
Long term reporting on AC/Heat run time and a graph of hour temp over time would finish the requirements.
I think that we are going to see a lot more of requests like thus with the APP now dead. I have not been able to figure out HS for household production usage. I have tinkered with it on an off but have not ben ale to make it useful.
I think this would be the perfect project for myself and others who are relatively inexperienced with HA
I created an excel sheet that builds the cURL command to modify the weekly schedule. If you are interested respond to this thread and I can send it to you. I couldn’t find a way to upload it here, but I am able to upload a screenshot: