Rain in the last days

I use the OpenWeatherMap integration with hourly mode.

The integration exposes a rain sensor that, according to the documentation, it shows the “Rain volume for the last hour, mm.”

In a script I need a variable that represents the rain volume of the last X days, but I can’t figure out how to create it.

The bast would be to have the number of days as a parameter, but if it is not possible, a fixed value would be ok.

Can anybody help me?
Thank you

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You can use variables in scripts that can be passed to the script when you call it:

You can use a loop to make a sum of all hourly values for the given days. The naming of the attributes in the OWM sensor should make this quite easy.

Hi Florian,
thank you for your reply.

I can’t find out how to get the “hourly values for the given days”.
The sensor.openweathermap_rain sensor just has the following attributes:

state_class: measurement
unit_of_measurement: mm
attribution: Data provided by OpenWeatherMap
friendly_name: OpenWeatherMap Rain


Ah, you’re using the official integration. It doesn’t provide the necessary data.
I use this custom component:

Thank you,
it seems interesting :slight_smile:

But it tracks only the last 5 days :frowning: Why?!

Well, for irrigation purposes it doesn’t really matter how much it rained a whole week ago. Could also be that it’s an API limitation. @petergridge can surely answer that.

If you need more, you will have to do deal with that yourself. Maybe use the old values from the recorder in a statistic sensor. Or write the values periodically into variables or text inputs.

I found a solution using the Statistics integration.

First of all I created a template sensor, just to be sure to have the entity updated once a hour even if the value do not change (the update is due to the attribute):

  - trigger:
      - platform: time_pattern
        minutes: "0" # every hour
      - name: "Rain last hour"
        state: "{{ states('sensor.openweathermap_rain') }}"
        unit_of_measurement: "ml"
          updated_at: "{{ now() }}"

Then I created the statistics sensors, to sum up the hour rain volumes:

  - platform: statistics
    name: "Rain last day"
    entity_id: sensor.rain_last_hour
    state_characteristic: total
      hours: 24
    sampling_size: 24
    precision: 0
  - platform: statistics
    name: "Rain last 2 days"
    entity_id: sensor.rain_last_hour
    state_characteristic: total
      hours: 48
    sampling_size: 48
    precision: 0

Hope this can help :slight_smile:


Hi, the API only exposed the last 5 days data. You can find the documentation on the openweathermap site.

Are you still using this? I tried setting it up with the regular openweathermap integration in hourly mode, however i am getting values that are way too high.

Yes, still using it, even if the data is not too accurate. Probably, the only way to have accurate data is to have a weather station

so i got this to work

only to discover that openweathermap updates rain mm/h each 10 minutes

so i guess it has to update every 10 minutes and not at minute number 0

Here is how i ended up doing the same thing

in configuration.yaml

    sensor_rain: !include rainmeter.yaml
    sensor_rain_1h: !include rainmeter_1h.yaml
    sensor_rain_24h: !include rainmeter_24h.yaml
    sensor_rain_30d: !include rainmeter_30d.yaml


  - trigger:
      - platform: state
        entity_id: sensor.openweathermap_rain
      - name: "rain last hour"
        state: "{{ states('sensor.openweathermap_rain') }}"
        unique_id: "rain_last_hour"
        unit_of_measurement: "mm"
          updated_at: "{{ now() }}"

that only updates when there are a change and not at fixed interval, i did it this way as who knows if openweathermap changes the interval

include rainmeter_1h.yaml

      - platform: statistics
        name: "Rain during the last hour"
        entity_id: sensor.rain_last_hour
        unique_id: "rain_last_1h"
        state_characteristic: total
          hours: 1
        precision: 0


      - platform: statistics
        name: "Rain during the last 24 hours"
        entity_id: sensor.rain_last_hour
        unique_id: "rain_last_24h"
        state_characteristic: total
          hours: 24
        precision: 0


      - platform: statistics
        name: "Rain during the last 30 days"
        entity_id: sensor.rain_last_hour
        unique_id: "rain_last_30d"
        state_characteristic: total
          days: 30
        precision: 0

and yeah, not the most precise way, but then as i write we have very slow rain and openweathermap says no rain

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I also receive values that are way too high, maybe 5-10 times more than forecasted.
I see that the Openweather sensor.openweathermap_rain it updates every 10 min, so for the newly created sensor “Rain last hour” I have divided it by 6.


  • trigger:
    • platform: time_pattern
      minutes: “0” # every hour
    • name: “Rain last hour”
      state: “{{ states(‘sensor.openweathermap_rain’)| float(0) / 6 }}”
      unit_of_measurement: “mm”
      updated_at: “{{ now() }}”

The rain has stopped and i cannot verify, but the values are closer to reality. For example a 1mm/hr rain is a light rain (the car wiper blades can run intermittently), while a 10mm/hr (is more of a rain-storm where wiper blades might need a 3rd speed).

Must admit I’m pretty new to Home Assistant. Busy finding my way. Sometimes it feels like looking into a rusty watch. Feels I’m getting the hang of it though.

And than I come across this… rain gauges. Verry interesting for me. But I can’t get it to do anything.
I do have the openweather itegration running. It is showing me all sorts of weather data. But I’m interested in the cumul for a couple of days. To decide if the garden pump should run. So yeah… this thread is interesting.

Kinda followed the example Boelle gave. Edited configuration.yaml, created rainmeter.yaml and rainmeter_1h.yaml (commented the others out for now).
I can reload this config, seems to be valid. But what does it do? Where can I find what I’ve just created?

Kind of at a loss at the moment.

See my statistics sensor.rain_last_7_days in the below.

You need state_characteristic: sum_differences_nonnegative