Random Incorrect Energy Statistic Stored (once or twice a day)

Hi all,

I’ve finally gotten round to adding the emonCMS integration to my HA setup.

The issue I have is that on a daily basis, I will get one or two random reads stored in the kWh usage whereby it is recording the total kWh value, not the usage since the last ready.

Fortunately with the installation of 2022.4 I can now use the statistics feature to find these entries and adjust them, but I really don’t want to be doing this on a daily basis and without it, my charts and stat’s look ridiculous as the one reading that it out is making the charts pointless.

So here is the problem, you can see a huge spike in usage today between 3 and 4am.

Looking at the statistics data in the developer tools reveals the problem. At 3:15 am, the total reading was stored, rather than a delta to the last reading.

Here is the data from the same sensor feed directly in emonCMS which doesn’t have any spike. It also verifies that the reading stored at 3:15AM in HA is in line with the total read at that time.

Once I correct the data in HA, the chart becomes usable again as below:

Does anyone have any clues as to why this is happening?


I think I’m experiencing something similar with the EmonCMS integration. Did you manage to find a solution?


I can’t remember now! I don’t have this issue anymore but I think it either fixed itself with later releases or possibly the only other thing I did was to reduce the number of sensors read from Emoncms by listing the ids of the sensors I wanted rather than taking everything.

Hope that is of some help.

This may help
