Random ssml Google Cloud Say

I like to use SSML with Google Cloud Say in a automation but with random text. I tried this but is not working? Anyone know’s how to do that?

service: tts.google_cloud_say
    message: >-
         {{ [ 
         <speak> <emphasis level="strong">Test1</emphasis></speak>, 
         <speak> Test2</speak>, 
         <speak> Test3</speak>, 
         ] | random }}
entity_id: media_player.beneden

The list you created isn’t valid. Delimit each item with single quotes so they can be interpreted as separate strings.

service: tts.google_cloud_say
  message: >-
    {{ [ 
       '<speak> <emphasis level="strong">Test1</emphasis></speak>', 
       '<speak> Test2</speak>', 
       '<speak> Test3</speak>', 
       ] | random }}
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Thank you, it works! :partying_face:

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You’re welcome!

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