RaspBee2 not working

I did the following:
I unsquashed the “disk” partition, created the config.txt in /mnt/boot/, added the line like in the topic above and squashed the partition.
But, after booting, the problem is still the same.

Sorry, but that seems totally wrong. There is nothing to squash or unsquash. You just have to edit (not add) your existing config.txt.
Not /mnt/boot just /boot

I searched all 4 partitions from HAOS for a config.txt, the one in disk/mnt/boot/ is the only one.
In the topic above, I am not sure if he was using HAOS or did it with containers…

OK, you’re not the first one that doesn’t find the boot partition on HA OS. There are 8 partitions by the way. Easiest way is to shutdown HA OS, insert the SD card in a windows computer and edit config.txt there.

Oh, alright… I’m running on Linux, this only was detecting 4 partitions.
Give me a few secs, I will be back soon.

Alright, I found and edited the config file with the dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt part.
I started the pi, but nothing changed, there is still no connection to /dev/ttyAMA0.

Enable UART in the Kernel and disable UART use for BlueTooth.

In /boot/config.txt add following lines:


Remove the console entry by removing any of those entries from /boot/cmdline.txt if present:

console=serial0,115200 console=ttyAMA0,115200

Reboot your Raspberry.

Thank you, I was not aware enabling uart.
I don’t deleted the only line in the cmdline.txt: dwc_otg.1pm_enable=0 console=tty1
I rebooted, but still the same problem.

You are sure you uninstalled ZHA ? If both ZHA and deconz try to access the raspbee it won’t work either.

You mean in the Add-Ons? There are deCONZ, Mosquitto broker, SSH & Web Terminal and Zigbee2mqtt bridge, all of them were installed while trying to get ZHA working. Which should I uninstall?

I would uninstall deconz and zigbee2mqtt. These probably try to access the raspbee too, and only one integration can access the raspbee at the same time.

Thank you. I uninstalled and rebooted, but still the same… :confused:

what does

ls /dev/serial/by-id/

return ?

There’s no folder serial in dev, I already checked that :frowning:

Then I suggest you contact DRESDEN ELEKTRONIK tech support. Your raspbee may be defective.

Alright, I will do. Thanks man!
Just to be sure: The SSH & Web terminal can get access to all needed files and folders on the system, also /dev/serial/by-id/?

If protection mode is off : yes. I don’t know if protection mode is on.

I deactivated the protection mode just after install, so it should be able to.
I just mailed to phoscon support and will keep you updated.

So, I got an update.
According to the support, I should execute GCFFlasher_internal –l on the pi.
But as it is Home Assistant OS, this command is unavailable. So, I installed the “deCONZ” Add on in the hope the command would be available then. It was not.
So I checked the deCONZ logs, where I found a log entry with another device called /dev/ttyS0.
But, the /dev/serial folder is still not there, but the device /dev/ttyS0 can be used to configure the “Zigbee Home Automation” integration.
So, everything is working right now.

Thanks for the help!

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I also struggled with this problem and found a solution: Zha can't connect to freshly installed RaspBee II on RPi 4B / RaspBee II seems not available - #40 by Vex