Raspberry Pi 3b+ Wifi instability - Any way to automate detection?

Indeed. In an age where we are being encouraged to go wireless can’t see the point routing Cat5e cable around the premises if there’s an wireless alternative.

Yes I’d definitely look into the Raspbian alternative. Development on it is a lot more current and will pick up issues like this quickly and effectively and dare I say it control of the OS remains with the user.

Of course if you’re really feeling brave you could build your own custom kernel version. I’m attempting this on a Rock64 with Armbian using Ubuntu Bionic 18.04 x64. That should be fun :laughing:

I get that you’re a fan of Raspbian/Hassbian but this is false!

I’m purely speaking from my own experience and passing this on to others to decide for themselves but thanks for your insight.

I am not sure about more current but I am certain there have been more skilled man-hours put into Raspbian & Debian development than was put into HassOS. or the HA docker containers.

Thanks all. Going to give Raspbiann a try.

Surprised i’m the only one here that has stumbled upon this. Must be just my luck :slight_smile:

Welp. Looks like i’m no longer going this route.

What a PITA

I will not go back to Hass.IO. I really dislike how the system boots, how I cannot see into the image itself, getting a configuration out of it is broken, my Wiif instability (thing wouldn’t boot up yet Wifi works perfectly in Raspbian)

(Posting what I discovered because a Google search led me here.)

The WiFi antenna on the Pi is really, really small and appears susceptible to interference. I moved my access-point from channel 11 to channel 6 and immediately the ping times went from 10+ms to around 1ms with packet loss dropping from 70% to 0%.

I vaguely recall some mention of the Pi not working well on channel 11 so that may have been part of it, though it (Pi 3B+) was working pretty well until today.

– Brian