Raspberry Pi GPIO's deprecated?

Raspberry Pi GPIO
architecture/adr/0019-GPIO.md at 584201512695d96cee2dd15f5158c3ce4c979354 · home-assistant/architecture · GitHub
We will no longer accept integrations that integrate with devices over GPIO as a core integration; those will have to be maintained as custom integrations, or use projects like ESPHome instead.

Does this mean that, soon, we can’t connect anything to the GPIO’s of out RPI’s anymore ?
… or should we use ESPHome to access these pins directly ? if so, how ?

I have multiple modules in I2C that I want to connect directly to the Raspi running HA …

Won’t that be possible anymore, soon ?

I’m worried …

It’s been moved to a custom integration, and out of the core.

For details of the custom integration, see here.

For a long-winded discussion all this, see here and here plus the various links from them.

That new custom integration is for rpi-gpio only, not for i2c.

There was some talks of the same dev continuing i2c as custom too but i have no status on that.


I'm unhappy with the removal of GPIO - #566 by thecode?

Someone linked on a issue on my repo a custom integration for MCP23017, Few users wrote they are using it successfully.