There’s a thread here about using a Synology NAS for logging (if you have one):
I have managed to set up a Maria DB on my Synology NAS and consume logs from my Pi!
Its was fairly easy using the Synology packages and one config.yml change - although I still have to sort out the account settings. I will detail the steps shortly. I’m just so pleased I wanted to share this with the community right now!
I’m not a Linux guru or DBA so this may be in layman’s terms as far as possible. Just bear with me…
OK so here is the hardware details:
Raspberry Pi 3 B with 16G SD card
This reduces wear on the SD card considerably.
Alternatively, you can run HA on a USB hard drive or ssd. You still need a SD card in the Raspberry Pi, but it is only used when rebooting. Community guide here:
[UPDATE 2020-10-14 by @Jpsy ]:
Added instructions to update HA OS through CLI.
[UPDATE 2020-10-18 by @Jpsy ]:
More details added on installing and using Raspberry OS to update the EEPROM firmware.
[UPDATE 2020-10-20 by @Jpsy ]:
Infos added on using Raspberry OS “headless” through SSH (no monitor or keyboard attached).
Thanks to @LondonBenji for these details.
[UPDATE 2020-10-22 by @Jpsy ]:
Infos added on working (and non-working) SATA to USB3 adaptors.
Some infos about Sabrent adaptor r…
Edit: I see @NathanCu beat me to it…