/Etc is only writeable by root/superuser
sudo nano
/Etc is only writeable by root/superuser
sudo nano
Banging my head off of the wall, it says its a new file…
ill keep on it
in the link you provided, it is the step where i edit the ~/.xinitrc im not sure what I did
Is not this
They are different paths. ~/.xinitrc
is owned by your user and doesn’t require sudo. It’s right there in the home directory ~
Ok I finally got it working again
now for multiple views do I set it up like this?
xset -dpms
xset s off
xset s noblank
unclutter & chromium-browser /path/to/your/file.html & chromium-browser /path/to/your/file.html
–window-size=1920,1080 --start-fullscreen --kiosk --incognito --noerrdialogs --disable-translate --no-first-run --fast --fast-start --disable-infobars --disable-features=TranslateUI --disk-cache-dir=/dev/null
I did try this but it is only showing the second view, also is ther something I should add to get them to change every few minutes or so?
Thanks in advance for your and everybody elses help!
No. The window size etc are command line parameters for ONE instance of the browser. Add the & after the null and try the second chromium browser command.
This is going to require some work on your part. What you’re asking for is not normal. You’re going to have to do some research and find something. Python would work in this instance, but there are a few ways to do this.
One thing you need to do is figure out your scope BEFORE you start automating this. You can’t just keep tacking on requirements as you go. Making changes like this means there are probably better options available to do what you want.
I finally figured it out!
sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-all xserver-xorg-input-all xserver-xorg-core xinit x11-xserver-utils
nano ~/.bash_profile
Placed this in and saved:
if [[ -z $DISPLAY ]] && [[ $(tty) = /dev/tty1 ]]; then startx fi
launched raspi-config
utility, then choose Boot Options
and Console Autologin
sudo apt-get install chromium-browser
sudo apt-get install unclutter
`# Run this script in display 0 - the monitor`
`export` `DISPLAY=:0`
`# Hide the mouse from the display`
`unclutter &`
`# If Chromium crashes (usually due to rebooting), clear the crash flag so we don't have the annoying warning bar`
`sed` `-i ` `'s/"exited_cleanly":false/"exited_cleanly":true/'` `/home/kiosk/` `.config` `/chromium/Default/Preferences`
`sed` `-i ` `'s/"exit_type":"Crashed"/"exit_type":"Normal"/'` `/home/kiosk/` `.config` `/chromium/Default/Preferences`
`# Run Chromium and open tabs`
`/usr/bin/chromium-browser` `--window-size=1920,1080 --kiosk --window-position=0,0 http:` `//google` `.com http:` `//bing` `.com &`
`# Start the kiosk loop. This keystroke changes the Chromium tab`
`# To have just anti-idle, use this line instead:`
`# xdotool keydown ctrl; xdotool keyup ctrl;`
`# Otherwise, the ctrl+Tab is designed to switch tabs in Chrome`
`# #`
`while` `(` `true` `)`
` ` `do`
` ` `xdotool keydown ctrl+Tab; xdotool keyup ctrl+Tab;`
` ` `sleep` `15`
Its not 100% perfect, but works.
That is the problem with “newer” users. Sometimes it not as easy as deciding what the final outcome will be, but to try what works and add to it. Either way day by day im learning.
Thanks for your help on this!