RE-initialize lovelace dashboard after revising dashboard in .storage (file system)

I’ve written a script to open up my dashboard file under /config/.storage and revise it’s contents based on some changes i don’t want to make the normal way in the editor. Everything works fine, but how to I get lovelace to LOOK BACK at the file contents? Changes i make to the dashboards .storage file aren’t reflected unless i restart.

Why don’t you just make a yaml dashboard instead of hacking the .storage? As the term implies, there is no support for doing things that are unsupported.

You can always copy the yaml one to a gui based one if you want to edit it in the gui.

If you tell us what it is you want to accomplish, we might be able to come up with better solutions.

I’m hacking .storage with a python script. In order to do a yaml dashboard i’d need to physically enter the yaml into the editor. I have a script that reads a list of spotify playlists, makes scripts and dashboard buttons for each. The scripts write fine to scripts.yaml but to my knowledge the only way to edit a dashboard without going into the normal editor is to edit the source file, which is JSON.

@Edwin_D i think now you mean something like what’s in this post. How can I manage the dashboards using YAML files?

will HA sync with yaml files more regularly?

@Edwin_D That was the answer, thanks for getting me in the write direction.

Normally the dashboard definition should not need to change because the data in it changes, even if you want a button or clickable item for that data.

What you describe sounds an awful lot like the spotcast integration, that comes with a configurable card to pick a playlist and play it on a media player.

Another option is Music Assistant, which opens up even more sources of media. I do not know if that comes with cards to pick media though:

i really didn’t take well to spotcast.