(re)Naming of entities

When adding new Zigbee devices to ZHA in Home Assistant can i somehow specify the name of all the entities it produces?

I know that renaming the device, with ‘Advanced Mode’ enabled in your User Profile, offers the option to also rename the entities but this does not seem to work for all devices? I get the impression that entities that produce ‘history’ (e.g. graphs for values) can not be renamed in this way?(this is wrong)

I have nine smoke sensors, added one to ZHA, the entities are in the form <type>.frient_s_a_smszb_120_<name>, if i rename that device, only the ‘friendly name’ changes even though i click RENAME on the entities question.

If i try the same with a TRADFRI remote that does not have any ‘history data’ in the form of graphs, the entities do rename properly.

Am i doing something wrong?

I’m trying to add nine of the Frient Smoke Sensors, but have their entity names be something meaningful other than binary_sensor.frient_a_s_smszb_120_binaryinput for the first and binary_sensor.frient_a_s_smszb_120_2_binaryinput for the next one. But the rename doesn’t seem to cut it.

Any tips?

This post seems related:

That post is flagged as Solved though, don’t know if it will get any traction.

I thought it could be related to the entities having ‘history’ records (e.g. graphs for temperature etc) but this is wrong. Renaming them one-by-one seems to work.

My other hunch is that this ‘sub-string match criteria’ spoken about in the above linked post, does not always work out. For example, one of my devices is called Frient A/S Smoke Sensor SMSZB-120 with entities like sensor.frient_a_s_smoke_sensor_smszb_120_temperature. Perhaps it chokes on the / in that name trying to find entities to rename?

Another device i cant rename ‘all at once’ is called lumi.lumi Weather.

And one that did work was called ‘IKEA of Sweden TRADFRI Remote Control’ without any special characters.

Are we on to a little improvement here?

Super weird. Nothing has changed and i’m doing the same: removed device from ZHA, repaired it, renamed it, and now it works? I dunno man.