Read RF with Raspberry PI GPIO Binary Sensor

@keithh666 Maybe this could be the way with Pi RF Switch. But switch needs states ON and OFF. Motion sensor only sends single code - if movement is detected. How to solve some “autooff” of this switch. Do you think it is possible with switch if I need sensor?

@keithh666 IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO USE PI RF SWITCH - because this component is for sending signal, not receiving. I need to receive signal FROM motion detector and create automation based on this (trigger alarm).

You can use rtl_433 and a supported DVB-T tuner to receive (only receive) 433mhz commands.
There are approx 90 supported protocols.
I understand it works well on RPi - more in this thread:

YOU DON’T NEED TO SHOUT!!! The receive part can be done with the rpi-rf · PyPI rpi_rf module.

I use a combination of pilight and RF Link for my 433Mhz devices as they can both receive and transmit.

The way to get over the fact that most cheap PIR sensors only send a movement detected signal is to create an automation that runs on reception of said “on” signal and delay till just before the retrigger period ends and turn it off. I do the following for my cheap PIR sensors…

From automation.yaml

#                                                                                             #
# Turn off the PIR's once they have triggered                                                 #
#                                                                                             #
 - alias: 'Turn off PIRs'
     - platform: state
       entity_id: switch.rfl_bedroom_pir, switch.rfl_livingroom_pir, switch.rfl_hall_pir, switch.rfl_kitchen_pir
       from: 'off'
       to: 'on'
     - delay: '00:00:10'
     - service: switch.turn_off
       entity_id: switch.rfl_bedroom_pir, switch.rfl_livingroom_pir, switch.rfl_hall_pir, switch.rfl_kitchen_pir

I hope that helps :slight_smile:
This thread may also help…

And this thread…

And this thread…

Thank you @keithh666. I´m NOT SHOUTING. This is only for better navigation throught this node for anybody who only scans the text :slight_smile:

Pilight seems to be mighty tool but there are many problemy on Raspberry3 with Hassbian. I didn´t get it to work. Regarding to @hijinx solution. Great job. But I prefer not to run docker or anything other on the same device where I run HA. I want to let as much resources as possible for HA itself. I want to do everything in single device. If this will be not possible I will use RFlink (Arduino+RF) - seems to be cheap and versatile solution with good support. Yes, not cheaper than @hijinx but without docker.

Anyway I just don´t want to accept that is is IMPOSSIBLE to receive dummy data from motion sensor directly to HA via GPIO. Many people talk about how easy it is but nowhere on whole internet you can´t find a receipt how to do it. Really strange.

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OK. Maybe I´ll try HASSIO because there is addon Repository: Dasher; RTL433 to MQTT Bridge; Ink printer ink reporting
I just hope it will be possible to do by us - the mortals :slight_smile:

I’m not really sure what you are expecting. The direct way of using the GPIO with HA is using the GPIO interface.

If this doesn’t work for your sensor, then I have suggested 2 ways of modifying your python script to send data in to HA. There really isn’t much else anyone can offer.

@hijinx It would be great if you could prepare some step-by-step tutorial for RTL433 to MQTT for HASSIO. I will buy you a beer :smiley:

Very first step is to check your device(s) is one of the 94 device protocols supported by rtl_433 here:

It can be difficult to check due to so much rebadging of the same kit.
If your device(s) are not supported then there is no reason to try :slight_smile:

Assuming it is, you need an RTL compatible DVB tuner.
You can get from ebay for £6-7 if shipped from china.

My device is cheap motion sensor - there is listed as [87] Generic wireless motion sensor. So I don´t know how to check if it will be OK.

Using python sniffer I can see that the motion sensor broadcast this:
[INFO] rfrx: 7621980 [pulselength 482, protocol 1]

I have no problem to buy some RTL2832 tuner.

You can try looking in the source code for the protocol - e.g.

But best way is to get a tuner and run rtl_433 with no protocol specified or with the test mode on.

I knew in advance that my currentcost sensor would work… but my front door bell does not (although the event is captured it cannot be decoded)

@keithh666 or other Please could you recommend how to read from GPIO using rpi_gpio?

RXB6 433MHz receiver is connected to raspberry´s GPIO. RF sniffing python script is able to read codes from rf devices. How to get it into home assistant using rpi_gpio?

You read from the gpio using the folowing …

  - platform: rpi_gpio
      11: PIR Office
      12: PIR Bedroom

However as I assume you have figured out your pir is not directly connected it’s using RF433 so you need a program to decode the RF and send a appropriate message to HA, this is usually done with either some other HW such as RF Link, Telldus, RFXTX or some RF receiver and transmitter directly connect to the PI with either pilight or some other SW decoding the RF to send a message to HA. You could use some other software to decode the RF and use it to toggle the GPIO pins directly but that would not be efficient and you only have so many GPIO’s. If you have the Rx’er and Tx’er attached to the PI then pilight is the best option that I know. If you have some other software sniffing the code from your Rx’er then just modify it to send a MQTT message to HA.

Hope that helps.

Thanks Keith. I´m right now on the way to try both MQTT and Pilight. I would like to have all on single board (raspberry) so we will see what is better solution. I will need MQTT for other switches so I hope this will be better way for me but seems like there is no direct solution for RF2MQTT on Pi. All I checked till now was based on arduino :frowning:

Did you have a look at this …

Yes and thank you. But this is about another piece of HW. I try to find solution based on raspberry. This shouldn´t t be so hard to do.

if you publish your Python script you use to get the values from RF, I should be able to add the few lines necessary to get it to send an mqtt message.

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Oh it would be very nice from you. I use this script. And please, if there is any difference,I would like to use Mosquitto. Thank you very much.

I cloned that repository and created a script here

If you have a username and password defined in mosquitto, you can change that in line 16. If you don’t (like me), it seems to work just fine as it is.

At the moment, it should just send the code received. If you need the pulselength and proto as well, I can fix that.

Obviously, I can’t test it completely, because I don’t have a receiver, but if it works, let me know and I’ll send a pull request back to the author so he can add it to his scripts.

Also, you need to add the mqtt library to your environment

pip install paho-mqtt
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Oh this is really fast :smiley: Many thanks! I´l ltry it and give you feedback. paho-mqtt is neccesarry even if I have mosquitto? Isn´t it some kind of alternative of mosquitto? (i try to have system as clean as possible).