Reading Australian smart meter data

I have checked my setup and I experience the same issues as the others; i.e. data refresh only upon restart.

With the most recent update last week and and the arrival of energy management I may be able to move away from this. The hardware solution that counts LED blinks can be used (I have Powerpal which uses the same approach).

Will get some quotes to 3D print the casing for the to be attached to the smart meter…

hi. does anyone here know of anything like this that works with Western Power? i have tried finding some sort of API but i cant find one. thanks

Fairly sure the only way for our meters is to read the LED pulses. I’m not sure how that then works if you are exporting to the grid from solar. I just use an iotawatt instead.

thanks that’s what i was afraid of. my meter box is right on the front edge of the property and has no GPO in it to power a sensor.

i have worked out a way to get some data from synergy but it is using a private API endpoint that it uses to generate graphs so it is only daily data and updates 2 das late so not that useful

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That can be added

i know but i have spent enough on added powerpoints and switches for HA as it is. i dont really want to spend much more. (also i still live with my parents and i think they are starting to get sick of me making changes to the houses wiring)

My energy distributor (CitiPower/Powercor in Melbourne) allows customers to register a Zigbee device for an in-home display. No idea whether you can get a device you could connect in to HA though.

These are what we generally have in WA these days. Maybe if it has the RF module fitted someone could figure out a way to read the data stream since it would be read only and not require any permission.

i have looked into iotawatt and just realised that for some reason there is no GPO near my switchboard either. every time i need to do something to do with the power in this house i get more and more annoyed at whoever designed it.

yep thats what i have

At my house I simply installed a double outlet in the roof above the switch board. The iotawatt needs two sockets, one for the voltage reference transformer and one for a 5V power supply. It is also possible to install them inside the board but if it has a metal enclosure then the iotawatt may struggle for a wifi signal.

thats a good idea. need to make sure that all the circets go up from the switchboard but im sure they do.

It’s not an issue about the circuits going up as the CT’s will need to be installed behind / inside the switchboard so that they can clamp around active wires only.

so i will need to get a sparky to install them?
that could be interesting, our standard sparky doesn’t really get automation and monitoring stuff so i usually just get him to put in the GPOs and do the rest myself. might be time to find someone new who gets this stuff more.

Yes, the HA 2021.8 provides energy management and has a device that reads pulses (GitHub - klaasnicolaas/home-assistant-glow: ⚡ The power of energy measurements in your house).

I probably put together a prototype using the ESPHome code and see hot it works as the quotes for 3D printing so far are all around $30. Not sure whether this method takes into account the feed in from the solar system

You would only need the sparky to install the outlet. Technically you could install the CT’s and the rest yourself since they simply clip around the wires… but given that you need to be in behind the board to do it I certainly wouldn’t recommend it.

If you are in Perth by any chance I could do it for you.

I’m aware of using this method to read the flashing LED but I just don’t know how that LED responds / indicates the difference between import and export. I can’t see any way for HA to know the if the house is consuming power or exporting to the grid.

i am in perth actually. can you DM me your details?

You’re gonna get a lot of business saying that on here. Def interested, can you DM me a price to fit?


wish there was something like this for myHomeEnergy which is from AusNet in South East Melbourne.