Real-Time Sports Scores w/ TeamTracker and TeamTracker-Card (Beta)

That is just the recorder (history).

Put something like this in configuration.yaml. Adjust as needed for your sports sensors.

      - sensor.mlb_*
      - sensor.nfl_*
      - sensor.nhl_*
      - sensor.nba_*
      - sensor.flightradar24*

Thanks, but this does not resolve the performance issue, it would be better to Filter the Rest entities more efficent, what do you think?

My understanding of this warning is that it could cause performance issues if it included those attributes in the database. So, it is not including them.

To get rid of the warning, tell HA not to try to include those sensors in the recorder.

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okay, thank you :+1:

Is there support for the African Cup (soccer), and will there be support for the European Cup (soccer) this upcoming summer?

Really love this plugin, already use it for Dutch league, Dutch league cup and Champions League for following the great PSV :slight_smile:

The integration supports the ESPN API so if the African Nations is in there then you can surface with the Integration, will be same for Euro 24…

Edit - following the instructions for adding Custom API configurations on GitHub the African Nations league code seems to be caf.nations so competition is in there alright
Let us know how it get on adding to your HA

Yes all seem to be working good!
Thank you for sharing the league code.

  - platform: teamtracker
    league_id: "XXX"
    team_id: "CPV"
    sport_path: "soccer"
    league_path: "caf.nations"
    name: "Africa Cup"

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Does this integration track Race Flags in F1?
Such as Yellow, Red, Green, Checker?

It seems as though this might be available as it does appear live on the page for each race which can be found at F1 Calendar | ESPN.

But I can’t see an attribute changing with the flags.
Perhaps this could be added to the integration?

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Sorry to raise an old reply. Do you still use this config for this card or did you manage a more up to date one?

I do not understand the context. Sorry, but yes the whole Sports dashboard I still use.

Hi everyone. I’m sorry for my english. I need help translating the card. I set the API language to Italian, but the card remains half in Italian and half in English. in the directory (/www/community/ha-tramtracker-card/localize) there are instructions for adding a new language. I followed everything but I can’t understand what I need to change in the translator.js file. I’ve already tried everything but the card remains the same!

Assuming your language file is it.js add it to translator.js as follows:

import {en} from "./languages/en.js"
import {en_US} from "./languages/en_US.js"
import {es} from "./languages/es.js"
import {es_419} from "./languages/es_419.js"
import {fr} from "./languages/fr.js"
import {it} from "./languages/it.js"
import {nl} from "./languages/nl.js"
import {pt_BR} from "./languages/pt_BR.js"
import {sk} from "./languages/sk.js"
import {sk_SK} from "./languages/sk_SK.js"

var languages = {
    en: en,
    en_US: en_US,
    es: es,
    es_419: es_419,
    it: it,
    nl: nl,
    fr: fr,
    pt_BR: pt_BR,
    sk: sk,    
    sk_SK: sk_SK,    

Then clear your cache and refresh to pick it up. If you give me your it.js file, I’ll add it to the next release.

A thousand thanks. That’s exactly what I did, but it doesn’t translate to me. Excuse my ignorance, but do I need to clear my browser cache?

Sure, can I attach my it.js file here?

I sent you a message to get me the file.

Clearing cache depends on the browser or app you are using. Probably easiest just to google it. Or tell us what you are using and we can tell you.

Sorry, I didn’t explain myself. I know how to clear the cache, but I didn’t know where to do it. I installed the integration from a desktop PC, but then made changes to the yaml files from other PCs and from the companion app. Do I need to clear the cache of the browser I used for installation?

clear cache on the browser you are viewing from/on…if you are experiencing the issue on multiple devices clear cache on them all

I added your it.js file to release 11.1. You should be able to download the new version in HACS, refresh, and it should work.

Thank you very very much! Now everything works and everything is translated.
The only thing I don’t like about the card is that the name of the team I follow is displayed as “Inter Milan”. Is there a way to change it?
I would like to see either the name displayed on, “Internazionale”, or simply “Inter”. I’ve already tried several ways but haven’t succeeded…

You have to complain to ESPN to change that. It displays whatever the API returns.

I’d like to get my sensors setup for the new(ish) UFL league that begins on March 30. Does anyone have a list of what the team tracker names will be? I’m assuming something to the affect of

  • platform: teamtracker
    league_id: UFL
    team_id: STL
    name: St. Louis Battlehawks