Real-Time Sports Scores w/ TeamTracker and TeamTracker-Card (Beta)

Were you able to get any of the international soccer teams to work? I am trying to get EPL and team 363 (Chelsea). NFL teams work fine but struggling here.

Same problem I’m having with Tottenham 367

Mine shows the same as yours…

Im following individual Team England
My Code:

type: custom:teamtracker-card
entity: sensor.team_tracker_2
outline: true
outline_color: '#ffe500'

Card Output:

The entity output:

attribution: Data provided by ESPN
sport: soccer
league: WC
team_abbr: ENGLAND
opponent_abbr: null
event_name: null
date: null
kickoff_in: null
venue: null
location: null
tv_network: null
odds: null
overunder: null
team_name: null
team_id: null
team_record: null
team_rank: null
team_homeaway: null
team_logo: null
team_colors: null
team_score: null
team_win_probability: null
team_timeouts: null
opponent_name: null
opponent_id: null
opponent_record: null
opponent_rank: null
opponent_homeaway: null
opponent_logo: null
opponent_colors: null
opponent_score: null
opponent_win_probability: null
opponent_timeouts: null
quarter: null
clock: null
possession: null
last_play: null
down_distance_text: null
outs: null
balls: null
strikes: null
on_first: null
on_second: null
on_third: null
team_shots_on_target: null
team_total_shots: null
opponent_shots_on_target: null
opponent_total_shots: null
team_sets_won: null
opponent_sets_won: null
last_update: '2022-12-07 20:22:55+00:00'
api_message: >-
  No game scheduled for 'ENGLAND' between 2022-12-06T00:00Z and
icon: mdi:soccer
friendly_name: team_tracker

help appreciated

Team abbreviation should be ENG, not ENGLAND. I would guess the integration was setup incorrectly.

attribution: Data provided by ESPN
sport: soccer
league: WC
team_abbr: ENG
opponent_abbr: FRA
event_name: FRA @ ENG
date: 2022-12-10T19:00Z
kickoff_in: in 2 days

@johnnymars @kotahukka

No footie until after Xmas is probably the reason. Mine were working perfectly until the break started. May just be too far out.

Tottenham works, check your config.

Definitely a config issue.

Works for TOT but not CHE with ganes 1 day apart.


The team number in the config for Newcastle wouldn’t work for me, i ended up using ‘new’
perhaps ‘che’ instead of chelsea?

And ENG instead of england worked for the WC config,… thanks

I’ll wait until tomorrow, not sure if 363 or che is the right ID but since there is no game until 12/27 it may just be out of range for the espn api. will report findings.

Chelsie is CHE. It should show up around 12/24.

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Yes I know I need to add support for shootouts in soccer and unfortunately I don’t think I have time to add it this weekend.

Congrats Argentina and Croatia!

This is a very interesting integration ! I was wondering if we could see the exact time the game is playing in order to sync up with my TV feed? My idea would be to trigger automations if goals, red card, yellow card or other major event take place. What I don’t want is to be spoiled if my TV feed is late or the opposite way around, trigger an automation but too late…
Do you think we could fetch a timestamp from this integration ?
Thanks a lot, so far its been fun to create a mood inside my house whilse watching a game :slight_smile:

v0.5.4 supports shootouts for World Cup soccer.

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Do you think we could fetch a timestamp from this integration ?

The concept of a timestamp doesn’t make sense because neither source is real-time. The updates from the API are delayed by a varying amount by ESPN depending on sport/league. Even the delay in “live” TV varies considerably between OTA, cable, and streaming services so there is no universal delay that works for everyone. When I am using a streaming service and have it on two TVs at once, there can even be a delay of 10-15 seconds between the two TVs.

I personally find the API updates are “close enough” to trigger automations. If you wanted to get more precise you could compare the Game Clock on the TV to the Game Clock on the API. You could then add a delay to your automation if it triggers too soon. If it’s delayed too much, you would have to find a way to delay your “live” video.

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I just use a delay in the automation. It’s not spot on but pretty close. I error on the side of caution and make sure any automation runs after the broadcast so I don’t get spoiler alerts lol

Which attribute of the sensor correspond to the game clock? : last_update? or another one?

Which attribute of the sensor correspond to the game clock? : last_update? or another one?


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Has anyone used Node-Red for automations with team-tracker? I 'm very new to Node-Red (and Home Assistant for that matter.) I can’t figure out how to get or make use of any of the attributes from the sensor, I can get PRE, IN, or POST, but that’s about it. I’m also new to JSON so I’m still trying to figure out regular automations using the samples, hopefully I can get some things going before the NFL playoffs start.

Of course, it’s kind of hard to test them as there’s a limited window when games are going on, and then waiting for a score to happen, if anyone knows a way around that, that would be awesome too!

I use NR. What are you trying to do? Here’s an example of how I determine if there has been a score. Maybe this can point you in the right direction:

Basic automations like setting a WLED strip to a preset when my team scores. If I can get something basic like that working, eventually I may try and get media playing to play the touchdown song & ‘Who Dey’ chant like they do at the games (Cincinnati Bengals fan, of course!)