Realtime camera streaming without any delay - WebRTC

How can I have the default camera entity Still Image functionality with this?

what do you mean? webrtc (if I am not mistaken) is for streaming, not for still images.

This card doesn’t actually use the hass cameras, it talks directly to the camera using RTSP and converts that to WebRTC for display in the card. If you want to use hass cameras, you will need to use the standard cards like the picture entity card.

@geolos @scstraus

What would be great a [custom?] card that shows the camera card’s default still image url with a custom action to launch the WebRTC steam/webRTC card when clicking on the default card.

How about Picture Entity Card - Home Assistant ?
This card can show the still image. And you can define a tap action.

Just read this in the changelog for 2021.11

@allenporter blew our minds this release by adding initial support for WebRTC streams and cameras to Home Assistant.

Someone already tested it?

It is not handling rtsp to webrtc conversion, it is expecting that camera/device is already publishing as WebRTC. So not feasible for many of us.

I am using a conditional card, when camera is not streaming showing picture card, when streaming showing WebRTC card.

There’s also a script to start streaming in click event of picture card.

hi, personally I would be more interested of not loosing the PTZ buttons when you see full screen the cameras; though the idea that Se7enair has shared might look valuable to others.

I started with Frigate and then noticed the lagginess of the RTSP feed was back. Turns out WebRTC is already setup as a source in the Frigate Card. Also - I am using Tailscale and just tested with the wifi turned off on the phone - All 7 cams in almost realtime. Not sure what made me so lucky but maybe try Tailscale (no port forwarding needed)

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Tailscale is awesome. Been using it awhile now and it makes things super easy to setup.

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hello all,

I try to setup this component but get eroor that WEBrtc server is not reachable. I opened an issue on Github:

ERROR - WebRTC Server not available · Issue #160 · AlexxIT/WebRTC (

is it possible to add 2 wyze cams to the webRTC lovelace card ?

I’m looking something similar in which to show the streaming when I click the card. Can you please share your yaml configuration?

Also, it is possible to add at tap action to the webrtc card?

No action support for webrtc component. You can find an example usage here: GitHub - fuatakgun/eufy_security: Home Assistant integration to manage Eufy Security devices as cameras, home base stations, doorbells, motion and contact sensors.

Hello, is it possible to rotate the stream by 90 degrees? My camera does not support rotation. Thank you!

Thank you very much for this integration. Great job!!!
Just a quick question though. Is there a way to add other sensors to make it looks like the original “Picture Glance” card ? I have tried to add the code like these into the yaml:

type: custom:webrtc-cam
  - entity: camera.living_room
  - entity: light.main
  - entity:

it would not work…

@jamesngob Check the Frigate Lovelace Card it’s awesome and works with webrtc too.
Section optional-lovelace-card-installation here:

Just upgrade to HA 2021.12 and WebRTC Camera stop working. Any one with the same issue? Any solution for that?

My impression is that the developer has already fixed the issue and the latest version / master branch of the custom component needs to be used. Check out issues reported in the github repo like Error during setup of component (core-2021.12.0) · Issue #156 · AlexxIT/WebRTC · GitHub for context

Thanks, that is