Realtime camera streaming without any delay - WebRTC


I’m trying to find a way to get my Reolink stream on my mounted iPad. With the standard way, it shows an MSE stream which lags a lot. Is this something that would change when using another codec in go2rtc (looking at the codecs madness part)? And how can I reach the included go2rtc settings if I have WebRTC installed? Do I need to install go2rtc separately or not?

Just remove MSE from modes list as described in readme.

MSE selected because Reolink cameras has AAC audio, which supported only in MSE.

Thanks, you mean by using mse: false? Because then the stream keeps loading2 and nothing happens.

Hello, boys ,
I have a problem and I don’t know what to do.
I have 3 cameras, 1 Hikvision and 2 cameras from China.
Hikvision works on phone and in browser but lags.
Cameras from China (Boavision and Zysecurity, work, but only in the second stream. In the main stream it does not work
I mention that in the second stream both cameras only work on the phone in the browser, nothing. Both camera work with H265.
Thank you in advance

  - platform: hikvision
    host:[u] ip of your cam[/u]
    port: 80
    ssl: false
    username: admin # or your username
    password: !secret hikvision # or your password
        delay: 30
        ignored: true

binary_sensor 2:
  - platform: hikvision
    host: [u] ip of your second cam[/u]
    port: 80
    ssl: false
    username: admin # or your username
    password: !secret hikvision  # or your password
        delay: 30
        ignored: true

In your case put binary_sensor (not binary_sensor 2) in your config.yaml.
This is my solution and it works with hikvision.
After that you can integrate the cam in generic cam.
For the chinese cams i have no solution.

Best regards Peer

Hello. Would someone be able to tell me if there is a way to go full screen on my iPhone? I want the option like it automatically gives you on the web browser. I’m not seeing it on my phone. The button disappears.

Hi all. just did this in my Google Hub + Reolink doorbell, and it works very well, but I have one problem: if i’m not at home, the google hub will keep trasmitting the feed “forever”. anyway to send a command to stop it and get back to homescreen?


                  - service: media_player.turn_off
                      entity_id: media_player.kitchen_display
                    data: {}

Does anyone know how you can hide the mode label when using webrtc.create_link in a script?

I tried adding this in but it didnt working:

service: webrtc.create_link
  link_id: "{{ link_id }}"
  entity: camera.doorbell_webrtc
  style: '.mode {display: none}'
  open_limit: 1
  time_to_live: 20

Please tell me what characteristics of the camera should be in order for WebRTC to work?

It requires RTSP, that’s it

Very strange. I have 2 identical cameras and two different ones. All of them are connected via RTSP.

Identical cameras broadcast in the usual way with a long delay! Two different ones in WebRTC . One of them with the designation RTC. The second one is now disabled, but shows without delay with the designation MSE.

I ha dto play around a bit with the go2rtc setup and from many other posts I learned that there is no golden solution. Example: I have just 1 camera but it distributes to 4 different end-points. Before g02rtc I had delays a plenty everywhere and now I have centralised it with go2rtc and the 4 end points consume this more fluidly (not top but better). End points are: a continuous recording on my syno (surveillance station), 2 HA instances and a tablet showing the stream when motion detected, esp. the latter one continuous to have a delay, before go2rtc 3-5s now 1-3…

I have tried various settings

type: 'custom:webrtc-camera'
url: 'rtsp://rtsp:[email protected]:554/av_stream/ch0'


type: 'custom:webrtc-camera'
url: 'camera1'  # stream name from go2rtc.yaml

but the cameras don’t work. just regular streaming.

Does anyone know if WebRTC supports preset locations like Onvif in the picture-glance card?

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Did you ever get it working so that clicking in the image/stream calls up (opens) a larger window with the stream?


I use a browsermod popup for that.

Would you mind sharing your code?


After 2 days of thinkering i need to call for help :slight_smile:

I’m using the go2rtc with RTSPtoWebRTC Addon together with WebRTC Camera Integration since quite some time now but it always adds up 3 seconds delay. No difference between MSE in my Browser or HLS in my Iphone.

What I did find out though is, that within the go2rtc addon everything is perfect (under 1 ms)

What am I doing wrong?

        - rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_01_main
        - ffmpeg:rtsp://localhost:8554/camera.terrasse?audio=copy

and the card:

type: custom:webrtc-camera
url: camera.terrasse

Any Ideas?

To be honest I don’t know why, but changing the config to this

        - rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/h264Preview_01_main
        - "ffmpeg:camera.terrasse#audio=opus"

changed the game for me. I’m at below 1 second now, with 4 streams active no problem! <3