Rearrange Sidebar

The new_item feature is for navigating to internal HA panels. If you want to use an external app just use an iFrame panel

Thanks that’s exactly what I wanted, but I get page refused to connect. I am trying to display the OctoPrint page in there. Maybe it does not allow iframe?

Does this component work on the latest editions HA? Installed as indicated in the description on github, but the only thing I got is the generated ‘check server configuration’ menu at the bottom of the sidebar. I couldn’t hide such an annoying map icon …

P.S. Um, for some reason my manual control doesn’t work, but I noticed a new “Change sidebar items” menu in the profile configuration. And when “custom-sidebar” was removed, errors appeared in the logs, and the sidebar settings made were reset. I do not know if this is the work of the module or the HA update.

It’s been a while but maybe this will help others.
My problem was that my path to the json file was not the standard one (I guess. I can’t remeber changing it).
I installed via HACS and also had Browser Mod installed but it didn’t load. So in my case I manually typed in the path:

    - /local/community/custom-sidebar/custom-sidebar.js # may be a different path

@Villhellm maybe you could mention that in the docs as well.

Are you using YAML mode for lovelace? You still need to add it as a lovelace resource. hacs does this automatically if you are using storage mode for lovelace

If you installed via hacs then the hacsfiles url should have worked. If it didn’t then that’s an issue with hacs

No, I’m not using YAML mode. Yes, HACS added the resource but put the JSON to another location:

#location of file:

I don’t know if hacsfiles link to the community folder but it didn’t worked until I entered the path manually.
But you’re right I guess this is rather a HACS issue than yours.

You’re confusing directories and URLs. The /hacsfiles URL resolves to /local/community/…, but also adds other features like cache blocking. Browser mod used to load all lovelace resources regardless of what panel you started on, but perhaps that is no longer the case. If you open your browser console it should show a custom-sidebar loaded message

Ok sorry, I take everything back. I looked into HACS and saw that I had browser mod installed but I didn’t made the entry in my configuration.yaml. Now everything works like it should. And yeah I should have known the difference between the URL and the directory path. Thanks!

I am not using HACS, whenever I long click and hold on the Title of the Side Bar it let’s me re-arrange the Panels

I have the same problem. Some items that are hidden can be added by the user. Is there a way to prevent this? I am using Home Assistant 2021.6.4.

Thank you in advance for your answer.

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This repository is no longer supported as the developer passed away. You should use this fork of it instead:

This fork hasn’t been updated in 2 years and has no releases. It has other forks that are more recent, but I hesitate to pick a random fork.

Is there a recommended version of this to use?

No idea, sorry. I no longer use this. Suggest you have a look at the changes made to the fork of the fork and at that person’s github activity to get a feel for a reliable one.

Hi @ben.mcclure , how have you finally done it? Iam facing the same issue but I have not enough skills to create a custom component from the custom-sidebar-v2 for example.


I have rescued custom-sidebar repo and brought again to live because I needed to use it and it was unmaintained. I will be maintaining it here, feel free to test it and give feedback of any errors or unwanted behaviour opening an issue in the repo.

To install it through HACS you will need to add it as a custom repository, it will be in HACS default when this gets merged.
