Reboot devices esphome

On my cell phone I get but on 4.1 it doesn’t find any page. With some devices I managed to get it in but the latter I don’t know what the problem is

I’m already trying anything. “Micronet_2.4” appears and it is the one that gives me the ip 4.4 but I don’t know if this code is correct. What remains for me is to disassemble the sockets and re-record with UART

  #ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  #password: !secret wifi_password
    ssid: "Micronet_2.4"
    password: !secret wifi_ssid


Because you have captive_portal commented out!

Where? what is above AP?

I was going by what you posted in post 15.

In post 21 you seem to be using a different configuration.

Which one are you actually using?

I am using the latest.

This tells us absolutely nothing. We don’t know when you flashed which yaml file to the device.

Also, don’t post fragments unless asked to. We need to see the whole yaml file that you flashed to the device.

Your yaml file in post#15 does not have captive_portal:. If that is what you flashed to the device, then you do not have automatic AP fallback. Period.

However, if it worked before you had an internet outage, it should still be working now.

I would first do an IP scan of your network. I recommend the free Advanced IP Scanner tool. Run this to see if your devices have an IP address.
Next, I would recycle the power to one of the failing devices. NOT THE ROUTER.
If Home Assistant doesn’t see the device, run IP scan again to see if it got an IP address.

If no luck here, it’s time for disassembly and reflash. Don’t forget to add captive_portal:

Test the connection to Home Assistant before you reassemble the device in the wall.

By the way, just what is the device?

The problem is that I don’t know how to speak English and the translations sometimes don’t say what I want to say. I also interpret eg “don’t publish a snippet of your code unless we ask you to” as an imperative. But I imagine that the translation also seems aggressive. The device is a sonoff s20. I already flashed the devices that no longer took ip. At this moment all the devices (plugs, touch switches, and sonoff basic are all working but nevertheless all the devices for esphome appear offline. I appreciate all the help. Surely I did something wrong and that is why all this happened. Thanks

Have you tried deleting the integration for the suspect device then let Home Assistant discover it again? If this doesn’t work then re-flashing the device is still the only solution.

Yes. I have no other option. Thanks for the help

So where are you seeing them offline? In ha ui or in esphome ui?

in the esphome ui

Does it really matter if they work in ha?

Yes, it’s true. but this did not happen. But it is true. It works and that’s what matters. Thank you all for the patience and help.

The esp ui not seeing the devices is usually an MDNS problem. You can try setting status_use_ping in the esphome addon settings.

Ok. Thanks @nickrout