Could you help me restart the router with automation using ssh?
I looked for tutorials and couldn’t find them. I have the ssh terminal installed
i have TPLINK AX10 router
thanks in advance
Could you help me restart the router with automation using ssh?
I looked for tutorials and couldn’t find them. I have the ssh terminal installed
i have TPLINK AX10 router
thanks in advance
Would probably be a good idea to tell what kind of router you have.
sorry, i have a tplink AX10
Are you sure this router supports this? I would also troubleshoot your router first, routers shouldn’t need to be rebooted regularly. See if you find something here
why not just put a smart plug on and reboot that way
Give this integration a try; it is mentioned that it can be compatible with your router.
Might be possible using a curl command:
curl –-user username:password –-referer > /dev/null
Found here
I’d go with the smart plug approach (obviously don’t use a WiFi one) as that resets both the software and the hardware. On my ASUS router occasionally its VPN tunnel gets hosed and software restarts do not fix it. In general a full power cycle would be my recommendation.
You can actually use a WiFi solution like a shelly plug or a shelly 1 .
You just have to configure the shelly to restore power (to the router) after a set time (for example after 10 seconds) - it will do that without any WiFi support.