Receiving camera snapshots as a notification in the IOS app

Were you able to get anywhere with webhooks?

I was able to get camera snapshots to work using Nabu Casa as suggested. First, make sure you have the cloud component enabled AND active!

In configuration.yaml:

    - /opt/homeassistant/config/www/tmp

For the automation:

- alias: doorbell pressed, send notification
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.doorbell
      to: 'on'
    - service: camera.snapshot
        filename: "/opt/homeassistant/config/www/tmp/snapshot.jpg"
    - service: notify.ios_phone
        title: "Doorbell"
        message: "Ding dong..."
            content-type: jpeg
            url: ""

Sorry, I didn’t get around to test it. I’ll put it on my list.

Thanks to everyone’s questions and answers I was able to finally solve this for my applications. I’m using Nabu Casa with Hassbian 92.2. The automation below will push a still picture to my iPhone 6 and overwrite the same picture in the whitelist path each time it’s triggered. It doesn’t appear to matter if " " or ’ ’ are utilized to enclose the filename or url.

In configuration.yaml

Enable cloud.
Create a white list path to your folder (below). I had to create the “www” and “tmp” folder within the “.homeassistant” folder

    - /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www/tmp/


- alias: Camera Snapshot
  trigger: # example trigger
    - platform: state
      entity_id: binary_sensor.doorbell
      from: 'on'
      to: 'off'
    - service: camera.snapshot
        entity_id: camera.porch
        filename: '/home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/www/tmp/porch.jpg'
    - delay: '00:00:01'        
    - service: notify.ios_my_iphone
        title: "BOLD TITLE" # bold text
        message: | 
           your message # delete if not required
          {{now().strftime("Date:  %m-%d-%Y")}}
          {{now().strftime("Time:  %I:%M:%S  %p")}}
            content-type: jpeg
            url: ""
            sound: US-EN-Daisy-Front-Door-Motion.wav

Where is this “.homeassistant” folder? I cannot find it using the “Configurator” plugin. I am on

Same folder as /config

Thanks for this! I was using this automation since last week. Everything was working fine, but stopped working in 0.99 of HASSIO. Any idea how to solve?

The snapshot is created as requested, also it is available from remote locations. Only it’s not included anymore in the notification. (Using the 2.0 beta app).

Any idea?

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I also am no longer receiving snapshots since updating to 0.99. No errors in log using beta 2.0 also…

Using the release version of iOS also does not work… rolling back to 98.2 did fix the issue

Gonna throw my hat in as well. No longer receiving camera videos with my notifications :frowning:

Did you try 0.99.2? It worked for me today

I tried 0.99.2 but it didn’t help. Didn’t roll back to 98 yet. But I am now in doubt if it might be an iOS13 issue instead (updated the same day HA and my Phone). What iOS version are you on?

I’m on 13.1 beta but I did have 2 pictures that didn’t send last night but then working fine this morning…

OK. Tried it today with my wife’s iPhone which is still on 12.4 and same issue. Still no snapshot…

Same problem here.

Home Assistant 0.98.5 (running on raspbian)
Home Assistant Companion 2.0.0 (63)
iOS 13

I’m not sure when it stopped working. I’m pretty sure it working after my last HA update, so iOS 13 is my guess.
I’m updating to iOS 13.1 now.
Next step, updating HA.

HA: 0.99.3

Working: iOS 12.4.1, Companion 1.5.1
Not working: iOS 13.1, Companion 2.0.0 (63)

Same here. Ios 13 and 12.4 don’t get any snapshots with the 2.0 app. Did work for a long time before. So a bit strange…

Ok. so it’s not iOS 13.
It’s the Companion 2.0.0 app.

It’s beta for a reason…

True. But the last beta didn’t had any change in the code, was only a release for extending the Test Flight period.

So if there wasn’t any change, it must be on the Hass side I guess

I think there was a change… one of the beta fixes was reverted causing the change. (I am aware there wasn’t supposed to be a change but as soon as the new beta was released there was some chatter in discord about this)

I created an issue on GitHub. See link below.
If someone has some useful info for the developers, please comment on this issue.