Recommendations for overhaul?

I am an Indigo convert that has a lot of Insteon switches and 3 z-wave devices. I’m struggling to get about 75% of it working under Home Assistant. The switches are all old and so I purchased a * Zooz 800 Series Z-Wave Long Range S2 Stick (ZST39 LR) from Amazon to replace my Aeotech 7 stick which doesnt seem to be working.

Knowing most of my switches are old and likely need replacing, what recommendations are there for replacing Insteon switches ? I’ve struggled to get the one Zooz switch I have working but I’m hoping that replacing the interface with the Zooz stick will solve the problem.

I replaced my insteon switches with Wi-Fi switches. Shelly is a popular choice but there are others that work well too.

Searching this forum will give give you an idea of the various choices, pros, and cons.

Be aware that WiFi is a shared medium and if you have only the combo (modem/router/AP) from your ISP it can be a challenge to have a good working, stable, WiFi network.
Adding more devices to WiFi can have a serious negative effect.

Excellent point! I replaced my ISP provided modem/router/wifi long ago with a Netgate/pfSense router/firewall. And I have a very robust network based on Unifi.

I decided to use only wifi with Home Assistant to simplify maintenance and management. No additional dongles, protocols, repeaters, integrations, etc. So far, it’s been working well for 4 plus years.

Yeah, I guess the real decision is which network/protocol to buy into, today.

I started writing a whole long thing about different networks and protocols, but I think you just need to do your own research here, as each of us will have different criteria for price, openness/freedom, etc. I will highlight a couple I think are relevant though.

Personally I believe strongly in protocols, not platforms and I am also cheap so I like Zigbee. :smiley: There is a wide variety of devices, typically inexpensive, been around long enough to be stable, forms a mesh network, and it’s an actual IEEE protocol. IMHO Zigbee seems to have the momentum and market share these days, which is an important consideration I think when making this kind of choice.

You will hear a lot of hype about Matter/Thread but I don’t think it’s really ‘there’ quite yet. So personally, I don’t buy into it (literally or figuratively). At least not yet.

Some people also like Z-Wave, and/or Wi-Fi based devices, but you do your own homework there. Z-Wave seem to be quite a bit more expensive (at least where I am), but some people swear by them. I have some Wi-Fi devices, they work totally fine but I always heard the same thing about network congestion which was why I got into Zigbee (which is a separate mesh network from Wi-Fi). But I was having debate with someone about this the other day and I am not even sure any more how legitimate this ‘network congestion’ argument against Wi-Fi really is any more (they claim to be running 50+ ESPHome devices on a crappy old ISP router).

This also depends on what you need/use your 2.4Ghz WiFi network for and if you use 5Ghz as well for non IOT stuff.
Another downside of WiFi devices is power usage and security can be a thing

With zigbee, you get that mesh technology advantage and the fact that these devices don’t sit on your main communication channel.
Being completely separated from you WiFi/modem-router-AP network can have other advantages as well in case of changing network/WiFi structure.

Just my 2c.

I’ve got a Ubiquiti Dream Machine as my router so full control over the network in home.