Reef-PI Home Assistant Integration

I’m dying to get my reef pi connected to home assistant… but I’m having the hardest time adding your repo. The only place I’ve seen an option to add a repo is on the add-ons and it says “Invalid add-on repository”

My repo is not add-on. It contains a custom integration. You need to install HACS( and add a repo into it i order to install.

Thanks for the reply! I did get it sorted :slight_smile:

Hi! Any chances to control macro from Reef-PI in Home assistant? I was thinking about creating a macro to run delay between skimmer and return pump and trigger it by a touch dashboard in Home Assistant will be very nice :slight_smile:

It would be helpful to pull the journal entries in as well. I’m just setting up Reef-Pi for the first time, but I’m using the journal entries to track my test results. It’d be helpful to see them in HA, and possibly have some alerts/reminders/pretty graphs based on the data.

It sounds like a good idea. Unfortunately currently I don’t have much time to work on this project.
But if there is a pull-request I’ll accept it :grinning:

Journal entries are just manual records you can enter on Reef Pi.
You can create similar fields on Home Assistant and track everything there.

I’m aware they are. If they are entered in Reef-Pi however they could show up in HA as well, and not have to enter them in two places; or to word that differently, be able to see them in two places easily.

There is a beta version of the integration published.
Release notes:

  • Hungarian translation (@alex255)
  • Added support of lights (@alex255)
  • Added button to run macro (@alex255)
  • Added switch to enable/disable timers (@alex255)
  • Added binary sensor for inlets (@alex255)
  • Support of HA 2022.8.0b1
  • Python 3.8 is deprecated

Everybody are welcome to test it. I don’t have lights nor macro, so any help in testing would be great!


Hello, I am having a problem logging into reef-pi through homeassistant. Version 0.3.2

My host is a local ip. I am able to log in through the browser but reef-pi integrations shows failed to connect.

This is after I noticed the reef pi integration was showing unavailable entities so I deleted/reinstalled the integration after restarting the reef-pi and HA multiple times.

@RedViper first off, thank you for this integration! It’s been nice to have vs. setting everything up via MQTT. Can you explain the changes you made to reading the pH value? I recently updated and ever since I updated my pH reading in Home Assistant is different than my pH reading in reef-pi. For example, as I type this reef-pi shows my pH as 8.10, yet Home Assistant shows 7.85. Prior to updating they were always the same.

Hi, I’m also having troubles with ph/orp reading…
HA only shows raw value ignoring the calibration I’ve done in Reef-pi…

@RedViper after the latest Home-Assistant upgrade the integration doesn’t work anymore… How can we fix that issue? Thank you very much!

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same here :frowning:

Thank you for the report. I’ll work on the fix as soon as I have some free time, probably during the weekend.

I published version 0.3.7 that should fix the issue.

Hi and thanks for your job. I’m new on Homeassistant but I have Reef-pi on my tank from 3 ot 4 years.
please can you help me? I install HSCS and custom repository, I have this:

But don’t find it in store
Thank you very much

It seems to be related to the HACS configuration, see the discussion: Custom repository showing as "exists in the store" · Issue #2736 · hacs/integration · GitHub