Remote access through Cloud HA 0.90

I don’t know if I’m being a bit slow but I can’t see where to enable the remote access from the cloud configuration panel, the only options I have is

  • Alexa
  • Google Assistant
  • Webhooks

Where do I find the url?

You are in the right section - have you refreshed your browser? I know a while ago I thought I lost my webhooks and a full browser refresh got them back.

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Do you have a valid Subscription?

Thanks markbajaj that did it!
That’s probably the only thing i didn’t do, I rebooted, logged out and back in again but didn’t think of the browser because it was Not showing on more than one device.
all good now. :+1:

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I’ve used the remote connection today and it works great. Delighted!

The docs say:

enable and disable the remote connection: cloud/remote_connect and cloud/remote_disconnect.

…but how do I use this in my config?

How do I call the service?

 - service: cloud.remote_connect

Is that it?

It takes no parameters but doesn’t seem to be working for me.

I was using I for a while, few hours later, I was disconnected… No idea why, just needed to reconnect again

This does work!

Just a service call with no parameters.

The ‘switch’ on the Home Assistant Cloud page does not toggle like other entities. The page needs to be refreshed and the Nabucasa subscription needs to be fetched to reflect the change.


when i restart my HA after changing a config, i always need to go to this website, and do a connect
then my unique url is working again

is that a normal behaviour?

in HA itselft, after a restart, i see in cloud config, that i am still logged on to cloud

I can’t think of a reason not to have remote connect turned on all of the time so something like this is probably worthwhile.

- alias: Notify when home assistant starts and turn on remote connect
  hide_entity: false
  initial_state: 'on'
    - platform: homeassistant
      event: start
    - service: notify.prowl
       message: "...has restarted"
    - service: notify.ios_ash_x
        message: "...has restarted"
    - service: cloud.remote_connect

yes, using this automation now too
is is normal that after a restart of HA, the cloud is disconnected? is that normal behaviour?

No idea! :grinning:

When I updated my HA this afternoon, I noticed in the logs that it spent quite a bit of time regenerating/renegotiating security certs with NabuCasa. It appeared to be fully started on the UI, but wasn’t done getting back onto the cloud. A few minutes later and it was finished, and remote worked wonderfully.

Are there plans to add this to the iOS app rather than use mobile browser and bookmarks?