Thanks Automan!
This enable and disable uberspace on which instance is that done. The main or the remote or both?
Is the nabucasa cloud connection and issue?
how does your host looks like? ip address, full domain or short domain?
Thanks Automan!
This enable and disable uberspace on which instance is that done. The main or the remote or both?
Is the nabucasa cloud connection and issue?
how does your host looks like? ip address, full domain or short domain?
Do it on all the instances.
Not sure if Nabu Casa connection is an issue. I don’t use it. If you see all the instances on the TS admin console as connected it should work
I did
it doesnt work. I guess I have an issue with Nabu Casa
Not sure what is wrong still.
You could do me a favor if you show my your format for the host in Remote HA. I have to exclude the obvious mistakes which I can make. I am doubting everything by now.
Do you do this on the remote HA, the main, or both?
I do it on both sides. Remote and main
I got it working. I need to leave the http:// out. These formats should be in the documentation but it’s not. Endless trial and error to figure it out on a non-issue
It working now but I noticed that in the main instance I can’t change names and icons. The default icon is passed through. I can’t modify the icons in any form. And the naming with the prefix doesn’t look to good either. That means I have to give the entities in the remote already meaningful names referring to the remote and drop the prefix