Remote control any Infrared device using ha and alexa

Yeah I use anymote. So…

When autoremote sends a message using ha(curl) to the android device - on

Tasker reacts to this message and tells anymote to change the channel. Tasker has a plugin which allows you to perform actions within certain apps.

You just need to install autoremote on the android and follow instructions to get your message url.

Once you’ve don’t that, use my switch config and replace the cmd_on with your URL autoremote provides.

Not sure what to say about your virgin box mate. Most boxes are connected to Internet nowadays and it’s fairly obvious when it’s online, so im assuming yours is an old box with no on demand facilities /catch up tv?

If this is the case, you’ll just need to use the approach above - an old Android device to control it. It’s really not that bad and only a fraction slower than a telnet command,yoh just need to make sure it has a line of sight to the virgin box.

And you’ll be able to say - alexa, turn bb1 on.

You can get the auto remote skill fir alexa but I wasn’t impressed. You need to say alexa, tell anymote to turn the channel to BBC1, and let’s be honest, if we’re automating stuff we need the interaction to be minimum and its more interesting coming up with your own solution (even if using a remote is still quicker, And pretty much ALWAYS within reach ! )