Remote RPI system monitor

Ah okay, thank you for your time. This has been a learning curve.

I restarted as it didn’t like me trying step 3 and all appeared to have worked, I think. No errors anyways.

I performed step 6 and 7, although not sure what 7ii means but I’ll try and see if I can discover it in HA now.

Can’t find anything via HA. Added the code to config and get integration errors. Listened via MQTT using wildcard and nothing is picked up. Either the Pi install in not correct or I’m not sure where to go from here. Don’t suppose anyone has a found a video of the install?

The command: python3 src/ src/settings.yaml already fails so first fix that. I can’t see the whole output but I think there’s something wrong with your settings.yaml file.
I also think it would be better for you to read a bit about linux and python because we can help you to fix all the errors but next time when a new error occurs you can’t fix it yourself.
Read a bit about basic Linux commands and yaml(because HASS used to be only yaml and it’s still used a lot)

If you copy your settings.yaml here (rightly formatted) I will check what’s wrong

Yes, I think I messed up with naming of the file. When I placed the ‘nano’ command, it brings up a menu. That’s where I went wrong in renaming I think. So will read up on that. Couldn’t see an option to rename in that section, so saved options and then renamed.

That’s normal nano is just a text editor you edit the settings_example.yaml file with nano and afterwards you “rename” the file with the mv (move command) by executing mv settings_example.yaml settings.yaml

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Okay, thank you for your time. I’ll have another go tonight and start again. See how I get on.

tried st

Tried step 6.

All was going fine, thanks to your inuts and advice. But step 6 just sat there for an hour and nothing happened. Not sure if it crashed or it just takes a while. Currently testing on a Pi Zero

What output do you get when you run that command?

Nothing. It just appeared to be loading but nothing happened. Should I come out of the folder, then run the command?

It should give some output. you run that specific command when you’re in the system_sensors folder

I will attempt again tonight. I did it in that folder. Maybe the Pi crashed. Or dodgy SD card.

Worked perfectly, except the ssid says UNKNOWN.

But failed this morning

Main process exited, code=killed, status =11/SEGV

Since updating to Raspberry pi OS Buster and reinstalling this I get False as the power_status instead of Everything is working as intended.

  "temperature": "39.7",
  "disk_use": "22.8",
  "memory_use": "39.8",
  "cpu_usage": "11.4",
  "net_tx": "1.76",
  "net_rx": "0.00",
  "swap_usage": "0.0",
  "power_status": "False",
  "last_boot": "2022-01-25T00:08:10+11:00",
  "updates": "0"

Is this a change I missed or is something wrong with my settings?

  port: 1883 #defaults to 1883
  user: <redacted>
  password: <redacted>
deviceName: gpio_bridge_1
client_id: gpio_bridge_1
timezone: Australia/Hobart
update_interval: 60 #Defaults to 60
  temperature: true
  clock_speed: false
  disk_use: true
  memory_use: true
  cpu_usage: true
  load_1m: false
  load_5m: false
  load_15m: false
  net_tx: true
  net_rx: true
  swap_usage: true
  power_status: true
  last_boot: true
  hostname: false
  host_ip: false
  host_os: false
  host_arch: false
  last_message: false
  updates: true
  wifi_strength: false
  wifi_ssid: false
    # Only add mounted drives here, e.g.:
    # Drive1: /media/storage

Yeah the library I use (the same as Hass uses) is now a binary_sensor so it only return true or false

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Thanks. I see the new sensor:


I guess I should remove the old sensor.

Any idea what to do about this?

Logger: homeassistant.components.sensor
Source: helpers/ 
Integration: Sensor (documentation, issues) 
First occurred: 01:05:45 (12 occurrences) 
Last logged: 01:05:46

Platform mqtt does not generate unique IDs. ID gpio_bridge_2_sensor_disk_use already exists - ignoring sensor.gpio_bridge_2diskuse
Platform mqtt does not generate unique IDs. ID gpio_bridge_2_sensor_memory_use already exists - ignoring sensor.gpio_bridge_2memoryuse
Platform mqtt does not generate unique IDs. ID gpio_bridge_2_sensor_cpu_usage already exists - ignoring sensor.gpio_bridge_2cpuusage
Platform mqtt does not generate unique IDs. ID gpio_bridge_2_sensor_swap_usage already exists - ignoring sensor.gpio_bridge_2swapusage
Platform mqtt does not generate unique IDs. ID gpio_bridge_2_sensor_last_boot already exists - ignoring sensor.gpio_bridge_2lastboot

EDIT: fixed by stopping the sensors service, deleting retained mqtt configuration messages/topics, restarting Home assistant, restarting the sensors service then updating my automations and graphs to use the new sensors.

Does anyone have an actual layman write up.
I’ve tried the ssh admin and it does nothing. I have an iOS app that tells me everything I need by simply logging in via ssh called “PiHelper”

Yeah when I created the tool there wasn’t an option to send the unique id so sometimes Hass doesn’t recognize the entity as the same and creates a new entity and tries to add the entity with the unique id the same as the name. But that ID already exists so it creates this message.

I should update the tool the include a unique id but need to find some time

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I don’t think it’s that big a problem. I updated from a much older version (probably one of your first releases). The entity_ids you generate now have an underscore in places that did not used to have it, e.g. ...cpuuse is now ...cpu_use. So that was the cause of the issue. No biggie. Easy fixed. Thanks for the monitor!

I am not sure how more simple it could be than the instructions that are there. There a number of commands to simply cut and paste into a terminal on your remote pi.

What do you mean? How do you normally control your remote pi?

You are aware these are not commands you type into home assistant, you install into the remote pi that you want to monitor.